Mahesh Babu and director SS Rajamouli’s upcoming film, SSMB29, is generating a lot of anticipation. Rumors suggest that Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra may be joining the project, further fueling the excitement. Although her involvement has not been officially confirmed, speculations about her potential fees for the high-budget movie have emerged. According to a report, Priyanka is reportedly charging a substantial amount of Rs 30 crore, for her role in the film. This would make her the highest-paid Indian actress for this project. The reported fee was the result of negotiations between Priyanka and the filmmakers, as she initially quoted a much higher salary. Priyanka’s recent visit to India and Hyderabad has led to speculation that she is indeed part of SSMB29. The film is an exciting and thrilling story that takes the audience on a journey of exploration and discovery.
SS Rajamouli has spent close to two years on the script and pre-production work of the film. A major schedule of the film is planned in Kenya and Mahesh Babu will have a stylish look in this forest adventure. KL Narayana is the producer of this untitled film. Keeravani is scoring the music of this big-budget attempt and the film will be in making for over two years.