Puri Jagannadh is the most sensational director of Telugu cinema. After delivering a series of duds, Puri Jagannadh made a strong comeback everytime and he even scored industry hits. The results of Liger and Double iSmart left him shattered. Tollywood is now eagerly waiting for his comeback. Puri Jagannadh shifted his base completely to Mumbai. He has been working on several scripts from some time. He will narrate them to Tollywood actors early next year and things will be finalized as per the decisions of the actors.
Though there are speculations, Puri Jagannadh hasn’t approached any actor for now. He is working on a couple of scripts and he will approach the actors after the scripts are locked. The initial ideas are finalized by the versatile director. The buyers of Double iSmart suffered huge losses. Liger too ended up as a controversy as Puri Jagannadh failed to repay for the losses incurred. Puri would be in severe stress as he will have to deliver a blockbuster for sure to make a strong comeback. His fans in Tollywood are waiting for the comeback of Puri Jagannadh.