The action-packed film Pushpa 2: The Rule has been a massive hit since its worldwide release on December 5, 2024. Starring renowned actors Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil, the movie has set box office records. The producers, Mythri Movie Makers, have announced that a remastered version will hit theaters on January 11, 2025. This updated version will include an additional 20 minutes of footage, aiming to attract both new and returning moviegoers. “#Pushpa2Reloaded from JAN 11th in cinemas” posted Mythri Movie Makers on their official social media page.
Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2: The Rule is the biggest hit of the nation in 2024. The makers have promoted the film aggressively and they made sure that the OTT release is not before 56 days from the theatrical release date. Pushpa 2: The Rule has created new benchmarks in the North Indian belt. Pushpa 2: The Rule is also a profitable film for the makers.