India’s biggest director SS Rajamouli came up with a sarcastic post on his Instagram page at the stroke of midnight. With the caption ‘ Captured ‘, the RRR director subtly hinted that he seized the passport of actor and superstar Mahesh Babu who is going to play the lead protagonist in his upcoming globe-trotting action adventure. This post became a sensation on social media and triggered a meme fest.
That Mahesh Babu is a travel enthusiast is a known fact because he often goes on vacations throughout the year in between shooting gaps. Once Rajamouli commences the regular shooting of SSMB29, Mahesh might find it difficult to have time for his holidays until he completes the entire filming. Rajamouli usually takes much time to wrap up his films. Moreover, he doesn’t give much freedom to heroes to appear in public while shooting for films.
So, countless memes with Mahesh Babu and Rajamouli involving passport scenarios have hit different social media platforms since morning. Several users came up with hilarious images and humourous videos from Telugu films to match the situation and evoke laughter all over.
They used scenes from films like Okkadu with Passport related situations and created funny memes on this occasion. These memes are now trending all over X and Instagram. With just a single post, Rajamouli created a huge impact on social media.
The regular shooting of SSMB29 is likely to commence very soon. Recently, the team completed look tests with Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra. The film will be made on a massive budget as an international project.