Superstar Rajinikanth has been busy with his upcoming movie titled Kabali which is one of the most awaited films that will release this year. Talented young director PA Ranjith directed this stylish action entertainer and Radhika Apte played the female lead. Kabali has been made on a budget of Rs 120 crores and the entire film has been shot in Malaysia. Surprising everyone, Kabali did a terrific pre-release business of Rs 223 crores worldwide which is huge and surprising. Santosh Narayanan composed the music and Kalaipuli S Thanu produced Kabali on V Creations banner. Kabali is all set to hit the screens on July 22nd in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam languages. Here is the detailed pre-release business of the movie as per the region:
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Anupama parameswaran In Paradha Teaser Launch Event