Rakul Preet Singh is making headlines with her latest luxury addition. The actress purchased a Mercedes Benz Maybach GLS 600 SUV in her collection. The Maybach GLS base price is Rs 2.69Cr, while the top end goes up to Rs 3.40Cr. The latest super luxurious addition of her went viral on social media platforms. Rakul Maybach SUV seems worth over Rs 2.96 Cr (ex-showroom) in the Indian market. Maybach GLS is a favorite among celebrities and high-profile individuals. Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Arjun Kapoor, Ayushman Khurana, Ajay Devgn, Ram Charan and Kriti Sanon own this luxury SUV and now Rakul Preet Singh joins their kitty. The actress is currently busy with multiple projects in Bollywood.
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