Mega Power star Ram Charan is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film under the direction of Sreenu Vaitla. Touted to be an out-and-out actioner,this film has Rakul Preet as the leading lady. Young Tamil actors Amitash Pradhan and Arun Vijay are reportedly playing crucial roles in this film
According to the latest reports, the shooting for this film is going on at a brisk pace in Hyderabad and the unit is busy canning crucial scenes involving the principal cast. It is also believed that the makers are putting in all possible efforts to release this film on Oct 15.
After a small gap, star writers Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan have once again teamed up with Sreenu Vaitla for this film and they have penned the script for this film. This untitled film is being produced by DVV Danayya. Sources inform that Ram Charan will be seen as a body double to Brahmaji in this film and the team has recently shot a hilarious episode between the two actors.
SS Thaman is the music composer for this film.
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