Rana Daggubati and Gunasekhar have been holding talks for Hiranyakashyapa, a big-budget mythological drama. Suresh Babu promised to back the project financially. Rana traveled to USA along with Gunasekhar and worked on the pre-production work. Two top Hollywood studios are working on the graphics. A top Hollywood production house will join hands to co-produce Hiranyakashyapa. The film’s director Gunasekhar said that the shoot commences next year as the film involves hundreds of crew members.
He also said that they are currently building virtual reality sets along with rendered visuals. Gunasekhar said that he spent more than two years on the pre-production through which he even completed the process of pre-visualization. Rana Daggubati and his dad Suresh Babu already spent crores for the pre-production work of Hiranyakashyapa. There are speculations that Hiranyakashyapa would be made on a budget close to Rs 200 crores and will be made on international standards.