Animal is the biggest blockbuster of the country and it brought out the real potential of Ranbir Kapoor as an actor and the film also got a solid comeback for the actor. Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga announced the sequel of Animal. During a recent interview, Ranbir Kapoor revealed more details about the Animal franchise. He said that the second part of the film is titled Animal Park and the shoot commences in 2027. Ranbir Kapoor also confirmed that the franchise will have a third installment.
“Me and Sandeep Reddy Vanga have been sharing ideas from day one. I got a chance to play the lead antagonist and the protagonist. I am completely excited about Animal Park. The shoot of Animal Park will start in 2027. Animal will also have a third part and it will be announced at the right time” told Ranbir Kapoor. T Series will produce Animal Park. Rashmika Mandanna and Anil Kapoor are expected to reprise their roles from Animal in the next parts. Ranbir Kapoor is busy with the shoot of Ramayana directed by Nitesh Tiwari. Ranbir plays Lord Rama and Sai Pallavi is essaying the role of Sita in this mythological drama. Ranbir Kapoor also has Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War in which Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal will be seen in other important roles.