Young actor Naga Shaurya has to score a solid hit and he is pretty confident on Rangabali, an action entertainer that is hitting the screens next Friday. Satya is playing a crucial role and he is active in the promotional activities too. The recent promotional promo of Satya imitating several Tollywood journalists went viral in no time and the entire Tollywood is eagerly waiting for the full video. But the makers scrapped their plans to avoid controversies.

Satya was seen imitating ABN Chief Radha Krishna along with a lady journalist from a leading Telugu news channel. To avoid unnecessary controversies, the makers decided not to release the complete video. The promo made enough noise and the strategy of the makers worked well though the complete video is scrapped. Pawan Basamasetti is making his directorial debut with Rangabali. Sudhakar Cherukuri is bankrolling this mass entertainer.

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