Rashmika Mandanna will portray Maratha queen Yesubai Bhonsale in the upcoming historical drama Chhaava, co-starring Vicky Kaushal. The film’s trailer was launched in Mumbai, with the cast and crew members in attendance. Rashmika expressed gratitude for the opportunity and jokingly mentioned retiring after such a significant role. She said it was an honor to play Maharani Yesubai as a South Indian actress. The trailer deeply moved her, and she praised Vicky’s appearance in the film. Rashmika was surprised when she was offered the role, as she felt unqualified to portray such influential historical figures. However, she fully committed to Laxman’s vision for the character.
“Maharani Yesubai is the most privileged and I am happy to retire after this” told the Pushpa actress. Chhaava features a talented ensemble cast, with music composed by AR Rahman and production by Maddock Films. The movie is scheduled for release in theaters on February 14, 2025, just before the celebration of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti on February 19.