Ram Chara’s upcoming film Game Changer directed by Shankar is heading for a global release in record screens on January 10th. Shankar enjoys a huge fanbase in Tamil Nadu and Game Changer is also the next film of Ram Charan after RRR. The film is expected to open on a strong note in Tamil and a grand release plan is chalked out. But there are new hurdles for the film. Lyca Productions, the producers of Indian 3 have approached Tamil Film Producers Council to stop the Tamil release of Game Changer stating that Game Changer cannot release before Indian 3.
Shankar has revealed that the shoot of Indian 3 is pending and it would be completed after the release of Game Changer. Lyca is mounting pressure to stall the release as Indian3 shoot is yet to be completed. It will take some more time to get a clarity about what happens next. A grand press conference is planned in Chennai and Shankar may respond about the ongoing issue in the media interaction.