Chief Minister Revanth Reddy along with filmstar Chiranjeevi launched Experium Park at Produttur village, Hyderabad on Tuesday. Experium Park is an innovative green venture, which blends nature with artistry. A first-of-its-kind green space in India, Experium Park is spread over 150 acres.
After launching the Experium Park, Telangana CM Revanth Reddy stressed on the need for promoting eco-tourism.
“Telangana has many environmentally rich and nature friendly tourist spots. But due to the negligence of past Governments they did not get popular. We have discussed about eco-tourism in Assembly. Soon we will come up with a comprehensive Eco-Tourism Policy and promote destinations like Vikarabad,” said CM Revanth Reddy, speaking after the launch of Experium Park located at Produttur near Chilkur.
Revanth Reddy stressed that people are going to Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and other states to enjoy nature, vowing to change it by promoting eco-tourism in Telangana.
Film star Chiranjeevi appreciated Experium Park founder Ramdev Rao, for developing world class Experium Park near Hyderabad. He commended Rao’s relentless work for years to bring rare and invaluable tree varieties and fauna from across the globe to India.
Experium Park is a unique man-made garden with various rare species of tree, artistic displays, tourist attractions. Spreading over 150 acres, it has man-made hillocks, plant varities of older than 300 years, 25,000 varieties of plants, amphitheater, rock garden and other unique facilities.