Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy announced Indiramma Athmeeya Bharosa scheme for tenant farmers. Under the newly designed scheme Rs 12,000 will be provided per year for tenant farmers. Revanth Reddy made this announcement, while confirming that Rs 12,000 per acre will be provided to farmers in Telangana under Rythu Bharosa Scheme.
Telangana Cabinet met at Secretariat in Hyderabad on Saturday to finalize the modalities of Rythu Bharosa scheme. After the meeting, CM addressed the media conference to give clarity and put an end to the doubts and confusions prevailing over Rythu Bharosa scheme.
“We have decided to implement Rythu Bharosa scheme from January 26, 2025. Under Rythu Bharosa Scheme, Govt will offer Rs 12,000 per acre every year. While previous BRS Govt gave Rs 10,000 per acre, we have decided to offer Rs 12,000 per acre. We have arrived at this amount, after considering the financial situation of Telangana at present,” said Revanth Reddy, giving a big update on Rythu Bharosa for Telangana farmers in the Saturday night press conference.
“Rythu Bharosa will be given to all the agriculture lands, without any hindrance. Only those lands which are not suitable for agriculture, NALA converted lands and lands given for real estate ventures and industries will be eliminated from Rythu Bharosa,” said Revanth Reddy giving clarity on the eligibility.
This means, Govt has not put any limit on acres for issuing Rythu Bharosa and almost all the eligible agriculture land holders will receive Rythu Bharosa benefit under the new scheme.
Taking the farmers outreach program initiated by former CM KCR to next level, CM Revanth Reddy also announced Indiramma Athmeeya Bharosa scheme on the occasion.
Under the Indiramma Athmeeya Bharosa scheme, Rs 12,000 will be offered for tenant farmers, giving them much needed recognition and financial support.