The Jaganmohan Reddy government is hell bent on making Kapuluppada on the outskirts of Visakhapatnam the centre of the State future administrative Capital. But, rebel MP Raghu Rama Raju (RRR) gave a new twist to this. He says Kapuluppada is heritage place with the presence of historical structures there. It’s located nearest to the Thotlakonda Buddharamam. Hence, the Central Government should declare and include Kapuluppada in the list of the country’s heritage sites.
Rajugaru is further demanding that all efforts should be made to protect Kapuluppada from destruction. It’s clear that the unstoppable MP is making indirect attacks on the Jagan Reddy regime. RRR has even written a letter to the Union Ministry of Culture to protect and preserve the Buddhist heritage place.
The MP wrote another letter to CM Jagan saying that the schools should not be reopened on September 5 considering the rising Coronavirus threat. RRR says the children are very vulnerable and it would be very difficult to enforce social distancing in schools. The parents’ opinions should be taken into consideration before taking a final decision on this. It’s well known that each day nearly 10,000 Covid are being reported in AP.