Andhra Pradesh Minister for Health Y Satya Kumar, on Wednesday, said that he had requested the Central government to give Rs 100 crore to the state under the National Health Mission. He met several ministers in Delhi on the day and submitted representations on behalf of the state government.

The Minister said that the state was working on opening Anna Canteens, free sand policy, increase in the pensions and skill senses. Pensions were increased to Rs 4,000 to Rs 3,000 per month per head. This was an additional burden on the state exchequer, the Minister said.

The Minister further said that free sand and Anna Canteens were also a burden on the state government. Anna Canteens would be opened by August 15, the minister said. Anna Canteens would be opened across the state to provide tiffin and meals at lower prices.

The NDA government is working to fulfill the election promises, the Minister said. He said that the NDA had given several promises to the people at the time of elections. It was the responsibility of the NDA government to implement every promise, he said.

As the state is facing a financial crisis, he felt that the Central government should help the state. He said he had given representations to several ministers in Delhi seeking funds. We would explore every opportunity at the Central government to get funds, the Minister said. He further added that they were exploring every scheme with matching grant and without matching grant to be given to Andhra Pradesh.

The Minister expressed confidence that the Centre would be liberal in granting funds to the state government. The state was bifurcated just ten years ago. In these ten years, there was a misrule in the state for five years, the Minister said.

The previous YSR Congress government had destroyed every institution in the state in five years, the Minister said. He further added that the previous government had also ruined the state economy and went for debts beyond limits.

The present NDA government is working hard to restore democracy and governance in the state, the Minister said. He further added that the TDP, Jana Sena and BJP are working together to put the state on the track.

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