The Right Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a diplomatic sojourn to Moscow on Monday, where he was received with utmost cordiality by His Excellency, President Vladimir Putin. The visit primarily centered on matters of energy and defence, whilst also seeking clarity on Sino-Russian relations.

During the Face to Face, Prime Minister Modi beseeched President Putin to facilitate the release of Indian nationals serving in the Russian military amidst the Ukrainian conflict. This request followed India’s June entreaty to Russia, urging them to refrain from enlisting Indian citizens in their armed forces, subsequent to the unfortunate demise of two Indian nationals in Russian military service. It had come to light that no fewer than twenty Indians had been beguiled by unscrupulous agents with promises of lucrative employment, only to find themselves conscripted into the Russian army to engage in hostilities against Ukraine.

In a most fortuitous turn of events, the Russian Federation has now acquiesced to discharge all Indian nationals from its military ranks and shall expedite their safe return. This momentous decision was reached during an intimate dinner graciously hosted by President Putin in honour of Prime Minister Modi.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Modi addressed the Indian diaspora, extending felicitations on the Indian cricket team’s triumphant performance in the World Cup. He extolled the virtues of today’s youth, remarking on their indomitable spirit and refusal to concede defeat until the final moment.

In a gesture to facilitate business relations, Prime Minister Modi announced India’s intention to establish two additional Russian consulates within its borders, thereby streamlining travel arrangements for the business community.

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