“As reported by Telugu360.com, Sachin Joshi started publicly attacking Bandla Ganesh via Twitter yesterday. According to a reliable source, Bandla Ganesh was given Rs 45 Crores by Sachin Joshi to make three movies with him as the hero. Bandla Ganesh produced a movie “Nee jathaga nenundali” with Sachin as lead actor and it bombed at the box office. This movie is a remake of Hindi blockbuster Aashiqui 2. Bandla then stopped making movies with Sachin. Bandla, according to people with the know how, even denied taking any money from Sachin Joshi. Sachin being powerful in Mumbai circles roughed up Bandla Ganesh. Bandla had issues releasing Temper also. Though distributors requested Bandla to wait for an ideal time to release Temper, Bandla was in a hurry to release it as he wanted to push it out of the door as soon as possible. Hope the issue is resolved amicably.
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