Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been attacked in his residence by a robberer and reports say that he was stabbed 6 times with a knife. The incident took place at 2.30 AM and the actor was rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital. The cops launched an investigation about the matter and the accused is yet to be identified. The incident took place in the Bandra residence of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan. The cops revealed that the robber fled from the scene. The Mumbai Crime Branch too staged an investigation in this matter.
The doctors in Lilavati Hospital said that the actor was brought at 3.30 AM and he had six injuries. Two among them are deeper and one of them is close to his spine. Neurosurgeon Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Leena Jain, and anaesthetist Nisha Gandhi are conducting a surgery and the doctors are expected to release an official health bulletin very soon. Wishing Saif Ali Khan a speedy recovery.