The Mumbai Police are still waiting for the fingerprint analysis results in the case where actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked. Reports suggest the fingerprints found at Khan’s house do not match those of the main suspect, Shariful Islam Fakir. The fingerprint department, managed by the state’s CID, is yet to submit the report, according to the deputy commissioner of police. A senior CID officer claims that the fingerprint mismatches are premature, as a thorough examination of all the evidence is ongoing. On January 26, 2025, media reports stated the CID’s computer system found the fingerprints at the actor’s home do not match the accused, prompting the police to send more samples for further testing. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed on January 16 by an intruder named Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad Fakir.
Saif Ali Khan, a well-known actor, was stabbed multiple times during a break-in at his home in Mumbai. A member of his household staff, Elyimma Philips, witnessed an intruder near the bathroom and was also attacked, sustaining a cut to her hand. Khan’s sons, Taimur and Jeh, were present at the time, and Khan was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment. The police investigation led to the discovery of several fingerprints at the crime scene, and the suspect was arrested and will remain in custody for further inquiry.