Saif Ali Khan, the actor, recorded his statement with the Bandra police after an intruder entered his home in Mumbai on January 16 and stabbed him. Khan and his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan were in their bedroom when they heard their son Jeh’s nanny scream. They rushed to Jeh’s room and saw the alleged attacker. The nanny, Eliyama Philips, was scared and Jeh was crying. When Khan tried to stop the accused, the intruder stabbed him several times on his back, neck, and hands. Despite being injured, Khan pushed the intruder back into the room as Philips ran away with Jeh and locked him in. The intruder had demanded Rs 1 crore, according to Philips.
Saif sustained multiple stab wounds including one on his spine and he was rushed to Lilavati Hospital around 2 AM on the night of the incident. He underwent surgery to repair the leaking spinal fluid and also received plastic surgeries on his arm and neck. He was discharged on January 21st.
The accused Sariful Islam who had illegally entered India from Bangladesh the previous year, was apprehended last week in Thane near Mumbai after a three-day search operation involving at least 20 teams from the Mumbai Police. The Mumbai Police also discovered several fingerprints of the accused at the actor’s residence, on the stairs of the building, the door of the toilet, and the door handle of his son Jeh’s room, which have been sent for further examination.