Days after the knife attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Mumbai home, a suspect has been arrested in Chhattisgarh. The 54-year-old actor suffered multiple stab wounds, including on his neck and near his spine, after the culprit broke into his luxurious Bandra home and attacked him on Thursday morning. The suspect, Sandeep alias Akash, was arrested from Durg railway station. Railway Protection Force (RPF) sources said the suspect was arrested on the Mumbai-Howrah Jnaneswari Express under the leadership of Mumbai Police. The suspect was sitting in the coach when the train reached Durg at around 2 pm and immediately arrested. He is being interrogated. They added, “Mumbai Police sent the photograph, train number and other details after which the suspect was arrested. He is currently in RPF custody.
The Mumbai Police is also aware of this incident and a police team is on the way to find out whether the arrested person is one of the people involved in this incident or someone else. According to sources, they are expected to reach Durg around 9 pm. Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in an autorickshaw where he underwent emergency surgery. After a five-hour operation, part of the 2.5-inch blade was removed from his spine. Doctors treating Saif Ali Khan said that Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed six times, is recovering. The accused was found at Bandra railway station later in the day. He is believed to have boarded the train from Mumbai. Some reports yesterday suggested that the attacker was arrested after the man was detained by police for questioning.