Samantha Ruth Prabhu is the most talented actress in the south film industry. One of her upcoming films is ‘Yashoda’, in the direction of the duo Hari-Harish, the actress is playing the title role. The glimpse has raised the expectations of the film. Now the makers are getting ready for the teaser as the film is in its last leg of shoot. Mostly by the end of July, there are chances for a Teaser release from when the promotions will be in full swing.
For now, only the song shoot is pending, which will be shot in the live locations, that is in the slums of Hyderabad. The film will be simultaneously released in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam. The film is slated to hit screens on the 12th of August. Varalaxmi Saratha Kumar, Unni Mukundan, Rao Ramesh, Murali Sharma and Sampath Raju will be seen in prominent roles.
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