Chennai: Following suspense over Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s health condition, political equations in the State are slowly changing. Although leaders of the AIDMK are maintaining that their chief Jaya is recuperating in the hospital, people and the party cadre are raising several doubts over her survival.
Meanwhile, several questions are hovering over the AIDMK leaders whether ‘Amma’ would continue in Chief Minister position? Will health permit her to serve some more time to the State? The debate is intense within the party over changing political equations and who would take charge as Chief Minister of the State.
Jayalalitha, who is undergoing treatment in Apollo, is being administered with appropriate antibiotics and other clinical measures for infection. The health bulletin said that the Chief Minister is responding well to the treatment and her condition continues to improve.
Since Jaya is expected to be in hospital for another few days, administration has been slowed down with key decisions that kept in abeyance. Now the questions is such situation continues who would take the responsibility of overseeing the administration affairs.
Meanwhile, Jayalalithaa’s close friend Sashikala made an announcement asking all the AIDMK MLAs to come to Chennai. The party workers are also expected to come in a large number to Chennai on Monday.
There is a rumour doing rounds in the political circles that Sashikala would become an emergency Chief Minister since there AIDMK senior leader and former CM Panneerselvam is silent on administration affairs.