Secretariat construction process begins at Amaravati


Andhra Pradesh Government has on Tuesday accord permission to the Commissioner, APCRDA to start the process of constructing the secretariat forthwith. The government has instructed the commissioner, to call tenders for construction of office space of 6.00 lakh sft. in Ac.20.00 Cents of land for Secretariat at Amaravati township at an estimated cost of Rs.180 crores.

“Tenders should be called for both Conventional and Prefabricated systems by giving time of completion upto 30.06.2016 and at the time of evaluation of tenders whichever system is cheaper, the contract will be awarded to L1 of that system, subject to obtain necessary clearances and works undertaken in accordance with the Rules and Regulations with payments being managed through the DWA system,” the GO issued by Ajay Jain, secretary, CRDA, municipal administration.

Government has agreed to sanction Rs.90 crores interest free loan to CRDA and authorized the Commissioner, APCRDA for seeking the balance required loan from HUDCO on normal terms and conditions. Government also directed various Departments to pay monthly lease rentals from their 2 budgetary grant to APCRDA.

After construction, various Departments will be allocated required space on pre-decided monthly rental basis which will be paid to APCRDA.

The original plan is to  construct  six lakh sft office space in the lands of APCRDA with an estimated cost of Rs.300 Crores. The CRDA  Commissioner requested the state government   to provide Rs. 150 Crores by way of interest free loan. The  remaining Rs.150 crores will be mobilized as  loan from HUDCO with a re-payment period of 15-20 years at an interest rate of 10.65%. The loan will be repaid by the rentals the CRDA wants to collect by leasing out the space to various government departments.

Schedule of Selection Process of the Consultant:

* Last date for receiving queries on Jan 7,2016
* Pre-Proposal Conference Jan 9
* Proposal Due Date (PDD) Jan 16
* Opening of Technical Proposals on Jan 16
* Opening of Financial Proposals on Jan 19
* Letter of Award (LOA) Within 7 days of PDD
* Signing of Agreement Within 3 days of LOA
* Validity of Applications 90 days of PDD

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