Top director SS Rajamouli is the special guest for the trailer launch of Ram Charan’s upcoming film Game Changer. During his speech, Rajamouli said “I was told that Game Changer is the first straight Telugu film for Shankar. But Shankar sir, we have always treated you as a Telugu director and you are an inspiration sir. Over these years, there have been several pan-Indian films in the making. This generation directors feel proud of me and others. But for me and my generation directors, Shankar is the OG of directors. He is the Original Gangster among the directors of big screen entertainment. He gave confidence to filmmakers to dream big” told SS Rajamouli.
Rajamouli also said that he watched vintage Shankar in the trailer of Game Changer. Rajamouli also heaped praise on the trailer of Game Changer. “There are a lot of shots that have to be appreciated in the trailer. Ram Charan is my brother. He developed a lot and I am a witness for him. There is a huge difference between Ram Charan in Magadheera and in RRR. I am so happy for his achievement” told Rajamouli. Game Changer is hitting the screens on January 10th, 2025 for Sankranthi.