Charming Star Sharwanand is shooting for a rom com directed by Samajavaragamana fame Ram Abbaraju. The film is under shooting mode and it is expected to release during summer this year. On the eve of Sankranthi, the makers have decided to unveil the first look and the title of the film tomorrow. Two top Tollywood stars Nandamuri Balakrishna and Ram Charan will unveil the first look and the title of the film. Nari Nari Naduma Murari is the title speculated for the film and it also happens to be the title of Balakrishna’s yesteryear super hit movie.
Agent fame Sakshi Vaidya is the leading lady in Nari Nari Naduma Murari and Vishal Chandrasekhar is the music director. A major portion of the shoot has been wrapped up. AK Entertainments is producing Nari Nari Naduma Murari. Sharwanand is also shooting for a sports drama and the film too releases this year.