Pan-Indian star Prabhas is teaming up with sensible director Hanu Raghavapudi and the film is said to be a periodic drama packed with action and romance. The film was launched in a grand manner last month and the regular shoot of the film commenced in Madurai recently. The film is tentatively titled Fauji and an official announcement is due. The team is canning some of the sequences that do not need Prabhas. The schedule will last in Madurai for a week. Prabhas is currently busy with the shoot of Maruthi’s Raja Saab and he would join the sets of Fauji only after he completes the shoot of Raja Saab.

The film is set in 1945 and Prabhas essays the role of a soldier working in the British Army. A photoshoot on Prabhas was conducted and his look was finalized. There are rumors that the first look of Prabhas will be unveiled for Dasara. Bollywood veteran actor Mithun Chakaraborty has been roped in for a crucial role and he plays Prabhas’ father in Fauji. Imanvi is the leading lady and Vishal Chandrasekhar is scoring the music. Mythri Movie Makers are bankrolling this big-budget attempt and massive sets are constructed for the shoot.

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