Superstar Rajinikanth is back to work after a long break. The actor suffered with health issues and has been in recovery mode. Rajinikanth along with the team of Coolie is flying to Bangkok for an important schedule. The shoot of the film will take place in Thailand from January 13th to 28th. Rajinikanth himself revealed that 70 percent of the shoot of the film is completed. The makers are aiming for May 1st release. Lokesh Kanagaraj is the director of Coolie. Critically acclaimed actors like Nagarjuna, Upendra, Soubin Shahir, Sathyaraj, Shruti Haasan, and Reba Monica John will be seen in other important roles.
Coolie discusses about gold smuggling mafia. The film is made on a massive budget and it is high on expectations. Coolie will also have a pan-Indian release. Sun Pictures are the producers and Anirudh is the music composer. Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan will be seen in a cameo appearance and he completed shooting for his portions recently.