MP Etela Rajendar approached High Court on Monday, requesting quashing of FIR filed on him by Pocharam Police. Local police have reportedly booked a case on Malkajgiri MP, basing on a complaint from security personnel of a real estate company.
BJP MP Etela Rajendar had created sensation on Jan 21, when he slapped a realtor at Ekasila Nagar in Pocharam Municipality, Hyderabad. A normally calm and composed Etela lost cool due to the extremely troublesome behavior of the realtors, who grabbed the lands of innocent people.
According to the explanation given by Malakjgiri MP the said realtor has been troubling 2047 families by grabbing their land and threatening them using various tactics. Unfortunately all the victims belong to poor and lower middle class sections, and are unbale to take on the rich and powerful realtors.
A deeper dive into the issue says that the victims had bought land in Pocharam area long back in 1985, when prices very less. As the land prices started to rise, unscrupulous realtors and real estate brokers eyed the lands of these helpless families and adopted various means to grab them. While some lands were taken away at throwaway price by threatening, real estate goondas started troubling those who did not bend for threatening tactics.
The rowdyism of real estate goonds grew to such an extent that they even misbehaved with women and kids.
Miffed with these developments, MP Etela Rajendar got involved in the issue. Senior leader stressed that, he had to get involved as neither Police nor officials came to the rescue of poor victims.