The Manchu family’s dispute became public when Manoj filed a case against Vishnu’s staff. In response, Mohan Babu made a complaint against his son, Manoj. Later, Manoj broke the gates of the Jalpally house and entered it in front of the media. The brothers then started criticizing each other on social media. At Mohan Babu University, Manoj claimed to have been attacked and appeared in front of the media, holding his stomach in pain. Suddenly, Manchu Vishnu indirectly mocked Manoj by using his father’s dialogue from the movie “Rowdy.” Manoj responded by directly criticizing Manchu Vishnu using a dialogue from the movie “Kannappa.” He also used his father’s dialogue from the movie “Sri” to ask for his money back.
The public is enjoying the family’s feud and commenting that the brothers should not have made their private dispute public. Manoj even mocked Vishnu’s Hollywood project, calling him “VisMith.” It seems more entertainment is in store for those following the family’s dispute. The dispute is turning murkier day by day and seems like there are no efforts to resolve the issue. The entire Telugu states is making fun of Manchu family. A number of cases are getting filed on each other.