It has been more than a year since director Sandeep Reddy’s ‘Animal’ with Bollywood rockstar Ranbir Kapoor hit the screens. He announced a film titled Spirit with reigning pan-India superstar Prabhas even before the release of Animal. The cop drama was supposed to go on floors in December 2024. However, it was deferred to an indefinite time due to the busy schedule of Prabhas.
Sandeep Reddy hoped that Prabhas would allot dates after completing Kalki 2898AD. But, the Saaho actor preferred to complete The Raja Saab and then move to Spirit. Surprisingly, he even started another new project ‘Fauji’ with director Hanu Raghavapudi. It was expected that Prabhas would start shooting for Spirit some time in the first quarter of 2025. But, that looks impossible now as Prabhas is currently occupied with those two films and there is no clarity yet on other projects.
In the meantime, Kalki 2898AD makers are also putting pressure on Prabhas to allot dates to commence the shooting for sequel as they are planning to release it in 2026. He has already signed a three film deal with KGF makers Hombale Films starting with Salaar 2.
So, Sandeep Reddy’s long wait for Prabhas continues as there is no concrete update on when he will start shooting for Spirit. Prabhas will play a police officer for the first time in his career. Hence, Sandeep Reddy wants Prabhas to undergo a complete makeover which would deter him from shooting for other projects due to the striking change in his get-up.
Sandeep Reddy initially thought of making Animal Park after Animal. But, he changed his plans to accommodate Prabhas’ film. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able take the film to sets till now, resulting in a considerable gap between his successive projects. Even if he starts Spirit in the next few months, it may take him more than a year to complete the entire filming due to the jam-packed schedule of Prabhas.