Super Star Mahesh Babu’s Srimanthudu censor formalities were supposed to be completed today. As things stand, Censor work of the film is pushed by a day to 4th August 2015. Unavailability of the censor officer who is out of town is being said as the reason for this delay. There is no delay from the production side and the film will be censored at 9 AM on 4th August 2015. Mahesh Babu and the producers Mythri Movie Makers are going all out with the publicity of the film and there is a very positive buzz around the film. Srimanthudu is all set to release in Telugu and Tamil (Selvandhan) on 7th August 2015. Music scored by Devi Sri Prasad is a runaway hit. Koratala Siva is supremely confident about the success of his second directional venture.
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