Mahesh Babu’s latest blockbuster Srimanthudu is having a dream run. The film minted money during the Independence Day weekend. Srimanthudu is now the 4th highest grosser ever in Tollywood. Baahubali, Attarintiki Daredi and Magadheera are the only film which grossed more than Srimanthudu in their life time. Srimanthudu is now the highest grossing Mahesh Babu film (68 crores and counting )ever surpassing Dookudu. Above records show how big a hit Srimanthudu is. Team Srimanthudu celebrated the success of the film yesterday by interacting with the media. Koratala Siva, who delivered back to back blockbusters with Mirchi and Srimanthudu is among the most sought after directors in Tollywood right now.
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