Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra has been occupied with Hollywood films and she rarely has time for Indian films. There are strong speculations that Priyanka Chopra has been approached to play a crucial role in Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film to be directed by SS Rajamouli. Priyanka Chopra landed in Hyderabad and a series of meetings have been held recently. A look test on Priyanka Chopra has been conducted and the actress participated in a long discussion with Rajamouli.
The top director sought bulk dates of the actress and the actress has to take the final call. Priyanka Chopra is quite interested to do the film but she has to allocate bulk dates for the film. The decisions will be made soon. A schedule of the film is planned to take place in February in Aluminium Factory. Rajamouli has spent ample time on the pre-production work of the film and he has plans to complete the shoot in quick schedules. More details will be announced soon.