Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi during a recent interview made fun of Prabhas, the current pan-Indian actor. He called him a Joker and this did not go well with Tollywood. None of the actors or filmmakers responded from Bollywood. Tollywood actor Sudheer Babu took his social media page to respond about the statement made by Arshad Warsi. Sudheer Babu posted “It’s okay to criticize constructively but it’s never okay to bad-mouth. Never expected the absence of professionalism from Arshad Warsi. Prabhas’s stature is too big for comments coming from small minds”. The statement from Sudheer Babu is a tight slap for Arshad Warsi.

Also Read : This Bollywood actor calls Prabhas a Joker

Sudheer Babu said that the stature of Prabhas is too big to comment on small people. Prabhas is one actor who is away from controversies and he never responds to such comments. He was criticized badly throughout his career but Prabhas never took a dig at any actor. Prabhas loves to stay away from reach and he is just before the media during the promotions of his films. Prabhas has Raja Saab, Fauji and Spirit lined up.

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