Promising young actor Suhas, next is “Janaka Aithe Ganaka” under the prestigious production house Dilraju Productions. Salaar dialogue writer Sandeep Reddy Bandla making his debut as a director. This film is set to be an entertaining court drama rich with family emotions. Prabhas recently unveiled the amusing teaser. Today, the film’s theatrical trailer premiered, showcasing a mix of relatable middle-class moments, heartfelt emotions, and compelling drama.

The trailer kicks off with a humorous scene where Vennela Kishore inquires about how Suhas, played by Prabhas, convinced his wife, portrayed by Sangeerthana Vipin, to delay having children until they are financially secure. It then features enjoyable interactions between Suhas and Sangeerthana, while brief appearances by actors such as Goparaju Ramana and Rajendra Prasad add to the excitement. The plot takes a turn when Suhas’s wife becomes pregnant despite their use of protection. Enraged, Suhas files a lawsuit against the condom company, leading to a courtroom drama that promises to be both entertaining and intriguing. What will be the outcome of this unusual case, and what follows after the trial? We’ll have to wait until September 7th to find out. Combining humor with heartfelt emotions, this movie aims to captivate audiences of all ages. The film releasing in theatres on September 7th. It is bankrolled by Harshith Reddy and Hanshitha Reddy. Shirish presenting the film.

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