Sundar C’s film Madha Gaja Raja, which was initially planned for Pongal 2013, was eventually released 12 years later for Pongal 2025. The film, starring Vishal as the lead, became the highest-grossing Tamil movie during the festive season. However, at the success celebration, Sundar C expressed his disappointment that despite his commercially successful films, he does not receive the recognition he deserves as a director. Madha Gaja Raja, directed by Sundar C, became an unexpected hit, surprising many by outperforming the other Pongal 2025 releases. Yet, Sundar C felt saddened that his contributions as a successful filmmaker are not widely appreciated.
Sundar C stated that the film is of a unique type. He acknowledged that the movie industry is a business that significantly impacts many lives. Sundar C expressed gratitude to the audience, as they pay to watch films and find enjoyment, even though he is known as a commercial film director. He believes he has not yet achieved that level of recognition, but he continues to work diligently and entertain people. The film is produced by Gemini Film Circuit and features music by Vijay Antony, with important roles played by the late Manobala and Manivannan.