Tamil actor Suriya enjoys huge craze across the Telugu states and he is keen to make a straight Telugu film. Though the plans are on from the past few years, the project did not materialize. Chandoo Mondeti who delivered a pan-Indian hit with Karthikeya 2 is busy with Naga Chaitanya’s Thandel from the past two years. Chandoo Mondeti is all set to direct Suriya in his next. Chandoo announced that he narrated two scripts recently and Suriya is excited about the ideas.
Allu Aravind’s Geetha Arts will produce this project if everything falls in the right place. “Suriya spoke good things about Karthikeya 2 saying that he loved the film. I narrated two ideas and Suriya asked me to develop them and narrate the final draft. He is quite excited about our collaboration. At the same time, I am working on Karthikeya 3 and I am in talks with a top Bollywood actor. Will announce my new lineup of films very soon” told Chandoo Mondeti. Thandel is high on expectations and the film features Naga Chaitanya, Sai Pallavi in the lead roles. GA2 Pictures are the producers and the film is slated for February 7th release across the globe.