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Naidu completes his two-day visit to Kuppam


Chief Minister and TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu completed his two-day tour in Kuppam Assembly constituency on Wednesday. On the second day, he received representations from the people at the Roads and Buildings guest house. He directed the district administration to resolve the issues raised by the people in the representations. He also told them to direct the state level grievances to the state government in Velagapudi.

The chief minister also addressed the rank and file of the party in P E S Medical College in Kuppam. He told them that his government would work for the next five years to eradicate poverty. The programme would start from Kuppam only, he said. The Kuppam would be made a model town in the coming years, he said.

The Kuppam would be made no poor village, no poor mandal and no poor Assembly constituency. He wanted the people to cooperate with the government in developing Kuppam as the model constituency in the state. He would focus more on Kuppam in the coming five years and develop it by providing road, rail and air connectivity to the neighbouring cities.

He said that his government would be totally different from the previous government. The officials would have to work hard to show the results, he said. He said he would not collect people for his public meetings. The heavy convoys would also not be found on the roads, he said. The government would hold small meetings and no force is used to mobilise people, he said.

He further said that he had asked his ministers not to hold any review meeting after 6 pm every day. The officials would be left to work on their own and show the results, he said. The programmes of the government should be effective, he said and asked the officials to be smart in their work.

He directed the officials of Kuppam to prepare an action plan to develop the town as a model town. He directed them to complete the Handri Niva project and give drinking water to Kuppam. He also told them to give drinking water connection to every house under NTR Sujala Sravanthi. He said he would bring the food processing industry to Kuppam.

After meeting with the officials, Chandrababu Naidu left for Bengaluru. Local leaders and officials met him at the airport.

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I will born in Kuppam in next birth, says Naidu


I will be born in my next birth in Kuppam, said chief minister and TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu. He started his two-day tour in Kuppam Assembly constituency on Tuesday. He visited the Handri Niva project and instructed the officials to complete the works. He inquired with the officials on the reasons for stopping the canal works.

Later he addressed a public meeting at the bus stand center in Kuppam Chandrababu Naidu thanked the people of Kuppam for electing him for eight terms continuously. He thanked MLC Srikanth, Minister Ramprasad Reddy and party mandal level leaders for his victory. He said that people have defeated the YSR Congress and elected the TDP. The victory of TDP would write new history of the state and its people, he said.

He said that he would work for the overall development of Kuppam in the next five years. He would provide safe drinking water to every house in every village in the next five years. The four mandal headquarters in Kuppam would be developed as model towns, he said. He further said that he would soon start construction of the airport in Kuppam. The Kuppam town would be connected to Hyderabad, Amaravati, Bengaluru and Chennai, he said.

He said he had given one cow to every house in the past. That time people have heckled him for giving cows. But now people of Kuppam are producing 4 lakh liters of milk every day. This would be taken to 10 lakh liters in the years to come, he said. He said he would promote dairy, poultry and honey production in the constituency.

He would also develop Kuppam bus stand and introduce electric buses in the constituency, Chandrababu Naidu said. He also promised to develop Kuppam as the biggest railway junction in the coming years. He also promised to develop Mallanna and Rallamanuguru as the mandal headquarters.

Chandrababu Naidu also promised to develop V Kota and Palamaneru road into four lanes. This would reduce the time to travel to Bengaluru, he said.

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Naidu promises Handri water for Kuppam in one year


TDP supremo and former chief minister, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, on Tuesday promised to complete the Handri-Neeva project works and will supply water to Kuppam within one year of the NDA forming the government in the State.

Chandrababu Naidu visited the Handri-Neeva branch canal works at Rajupeta in Kuppam Assembly segment. Later, he told media persons that Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has simply pressed the button after supplying water through a tanker to the canal like a cinema setting. The canal dried up by the same evening and the gates were taken away by the officials the same day. Even the film directors were shocked to see these settings which were removed overnight, Chandrababu Naidu remarked in a sarcastic way.

“How this Chief Minister, who transported people by buses for his meetings and arrived here by helicopter after setting up two helipads here can defeat me. Are you not ashamed to cheat people who are disgusted at your cheap politics,” Chandrababu Naidu asked Jagan. The Chief Minister always feels insecure as the trees are cut if he travels by road even for a km, he added.

Jagan has resorted to all kinds of atrocities in the State and his photos appear on every document, Chandrababu Naidu said, adding that taking advantage of this the officials are manipulating the documents. Since Jagan is misusing the public money he should be punished in the people’s court, Chandrababu Naidu said and demanded that the mobile phones of the volunteers be seized as they are collecting the personal details of every citizen and passing these details to I-PAC.

Reminding how he has developed Kuppam, the former chief minister said that he has also taken measures for the development of Pulivendula. But Jagan has destroyed everything. Cautioning the locals that the YSRCP leaders are planning to illegally grab the lands of Lord Basaveswara at Gundisettypalle, Chandrababu Naidu said that YSRCP MP, Vijayasai Reddy, is the global figure for criminal world who always passes the buck on others for the crime that he commits.

“Till the people revolt themselves these leaders continue their atrocities. If anyone votes for the YSRCP he or she will be doing injustice to their own families. All the buttons pressed by Jagan and the GOs issued by him are all dummies only to damage the lives of the innocent people. But once the NDA is into power in these elections all these issues will be resolved,” Chandrababu Naidu maintained.

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Will sign Mega DSC file within 60 days of coming to power, says Naidu


Assuring the youth of signing the file for Mega District Selection Committee (DSC) within 60 days of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) coming to power to fill all the vacant teacher posts in the State, TDP president and former chief minister, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, on Tuesday promised to provide 20 lakh jobs in the next five years.

“Till you get jobs you will be paid Rs 3,000 each per month as unemployment allowance,” Chandrababu Naidu told a meeting of the youth at Kuppam, the headquarters of his home constituency. Stating that if the present DSC is continued further, Chandrababu Naidu said that these mischievous persons will again manage everything and will appoint their own people without giving the opportunity for the eligible candidates. The Election Commission should look into this matter, he said.

Promising to transform Kuppam as a knowledge hub, Chandrababu Naidu said that all the courses will be introduced in Dravida University after a cleansing operation of the institute. The former chief minister cautioned the people of the State that if the YSRCP is back in power there will be no safety and security for the properties of anyone.

“The enthusiasm in all of you reminds me my old days as I have come into politics as a student leader. I really feel proud of you,” Mr Chandrababu told the meeting. Making it clear that he always reposes faith in the youth force, he said he always works for the future of the younger generations. Where the youth is strong success will be there, he felt.

“The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr BR Ambedkar and the TDP founder, late NT Rama Rao, all of them were born in a middle-class families and I too come with the same background born in a middle-class farmers family. If the youth is given proper education they will rule the whole world,” he said.

Recalling that people had made fun of him when he announced that an electronic exchange will be set up, Chandrababu Naidu said that he had proved it and a new telecommunication system was introduced with deregulation. Expressing concern that there are no investments or employment opportunities in the State in the past five years, he said that the youth is migrating to other States or even countries. The time has come to send home this destroying face who damaged the lives of the youth, he stated.

Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, is a master in cheating, he said and asked the youth whether any job calendar has been released in the last five years or any DSC has been conducted as promised. The only goal of Jagan to mint thousands of crores while encourage those robbers who follow him to earn hundreds of crores but the youth should get only Rs 5,000 per month, Chandrababu Naidu remarked.

Making an appeal to the youth to think about their future and the progress of the State, Chandrababu Naidu promised that he will stand by them. “I am assuring you all that I will take care of your future and you should topple the YSRCP in these elections and tell the people the facts,” he told the youth.

Pointing out how this Government has resorted to massive irregularities in the Group-1 exams of the APPSC, he said that the ruling dispensation has sold the posts causing deep displeasure among those eligible candidates. Recalling how he had toured the whole world to invite investments to the State, he said Kia car manufacturing unit is set upon in Ananthapur district while this Government has chased out the existing units like Jockey and Amar Rajaa Batteries.

“While I have provided job opportunities for the youth, Jagan is indulging in scam after scam. The YSRCP leaders have been looting the granite industry here. If this is the situation in Kuppam you can imagine the condition of the whole State,” Chandrababu Naidu said. If the technology goes into the hands of evil-designers the whole State will suffer and the Land Titling Act is aimed at this, he added.

If the YSRCP is back in power the owners of properties should forget about their own assets, Chandrababu Naidu said and made an appeal to the youth to bury the YSRCP. He promised to bring the State back on track and the coming NDA government will certainly do justice to Muslims too.

Recalling how the earlier TDP regimes had worked for the welfare of the Muslim community in the State, Chandrababu Naidu clarified that the TDP has entered into an alliance with the BJP and the Jana Sena keeping in view the future of the State. “If there is no cooperation from the Centre it is difficult to take the State on the progressive path,” he added.

Stating that Amaravathi has been completely damaged, the TDP supremo said that farmers suicides are rising while atrocities on women too are going up. “I am not working for winning more number of seats but only for the future of the State. I am promising you that I will certainly take the State forward though the flags of the three parties are different but the agenda is same,” Chandrababu Naidu observed.

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People’s revolt against Govt began, feels Chandarbabu


Former chief minister and TDP president, N Chandrababu Naidu, on Friday felt that the people started revolting against the Jagan Mohan Reddy Government.

In a chit chat with media persons at Kuppam, Chandrababu Naidu said that what has remained is that the people have to chase Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, out of the State. “No one can continue to rule by simply threatening the people,” Chandarbabu said and termed Jagan as the brother of the worst dictator in the world, Kim Yo Jong of North Korea.

Observing that the people of Kuppam are electing him with affection, the TDP supremo felt that Jagan, however, is getting elected as he has become a constant threat to the voters of Pulivendula. The citizens of Visakhapatnam, who did not care for Hud Hud cyclone, are now getting scared of the YSRCP leaders, he remarked.

“When I said that these demons will be attacking the people, you did not believe me. One can see now what is happening,” Chandrababu observed. The latest incident in which the family members of the YSRCP MP have been kidnapped reflect the prevailing situation in the port city of Visakhapatnam, the TDP supremo noted.

Jagan has till now ruled the State by simply threatening the people and the public is no longer ready to bear it, Chandrababu said, adding that they are now getting prepared to revolt against the State Government. The people will soon chase Jagan out of the State, he stated.

Is it not a fact that all the developmental works in Kuppam have been brought to a grinding halt, Chandrababu asked. “The responsibility of bringing the State back to normalcy is on me. If I too leave the State in this condition Andhra Pradesh will totally get destroyed,” the former chief minister maintained.

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Kuppam is a lab for me, says Chandrababu


Former chief minister and TDP supremo, Nara Chandrababu naidu, on Thursday stated that Kuppam Assembly segment is a laboratory for him, and he launched all the developmental programmes from here.

“Kuppam is a laboratory, and I started all the programmes from here,” Chandrababu Naidu said addressing a public meeting at Kuppam of Chittoor district. Launching the campaign of ‘One lakh majority for TDP in Kuppam constituency’, Chandrababu said that anyone should view Kuppam before and after TDP.

This generation is not aware how Kuppam was before the TDP came to power and the present-day youth is feeling only a developed Kuppam, Chandrababu remarked. “I have selected Kuppam when it was the most backward constituency and I came here only to develop this segment,” he said.

Recalling that he stayed in a single room owned by one Chandrasekhar and contested as MLA, the TDP supremo said that after winning the poll the locals looked after everything. There were no roads and schools in Kuppam, he said, adding that when he announced that a telephone exchange will be set up in Kuppam people here made fun of him, Chandrababu recalled.

The Kuppam segment has developed only during the TDP rule, the former chief minister felt that after the YSRCP came to power all the ongoing works came to a standstill. The first drip irrigation system was introduced in Kuppam following which the availability of water was increased, he stated.

The two wheels of the cycle (the symbol of TDP) one is development and the other is welfare, Chandrababu naidu explained and said that several welfare programmes were taken up in five years when the TDP was in power but now everything has come to a halt. The prices of essential commodities and the cooking gas have gone up in the past four years and even sand is not available now.

Promising to launch the ‘work from home and office’ system in Kuppam, Chandrababu Naidu said that all the companies across the globe will be interlinked, and employment opportunities will be provided for all to work from home. Taking the Janmabhoomi as an inspiration, all the NRIs should be back home to develop their motherland, Chandrababu added.

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Naidu appoints MLC Srikanth as incharge of Kuppam


Former chief minister and TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu appointed MLC Kancharla Srikanth as incharge for the Kuppam Assembly constituency. Chandrababu Naidu also appointed a 23-member committee to assist Srikanth in the constituency.

The move was to check the ruling YSR Congress which has been claiming that it would defeat Naidu in Kuppam in the next election. The TDP chief had already constructed a house in Kuppam town and he and his son Lokesh are in constant touch with the party leaders in the constituency.

Naidu’s recent visit to the constituency was a big hit with a large number of party activists and the general public participating. The electrifying rally infused new lease of life into the party who were upset with the party’s defeat in the municipal and local body elections.

Chandrababu Naidu had toured Kuppam for five times in the last three years and is in touch with the local party leaders. Even Naidu’s wife Bhuvaneswari and Lokesh’s wife Brahmani are also in touch with the local leaders, giving them the required support.

Chandrababu Naidu had given a fitting counter to the ruling party leaders on Kuppam and gave a counter call to his TDP ranks asking why not Pulivendula. Chandrababu Naidu had set his eyes on Pulivendula Assembly constituency which is now represented by chief minister Jagan Mohan Reddy.

The party had registered its first victory in Pulivendula with the election of Graduate MLC from here. Local former MLC B Tech Ravi is in full control of the party in Pulivendula and he is said to be getting ready to challenge Jagan Mohan Reddy from Pulivendula in the next election.

With the new initiatives and measures, the TDP cadre in Kuppam is confident now of retaining the seat and sending him to the Assembly from here for the eight consecutive term.

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TDP activists gather at Kuppam to express solidarity with Lokesh for pada yatra


Telugu Desam Party activists across the State gathered at Kuppam to express solidarity with the pada yatra being undertaken by party general secretary, Nara Lokesh, from Friday.

With ‘Yuva Galam’, the pada yatra Lokesh aims at bringing awareness among the people on putting an end to the atrocious rule of Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, in the State. It is a festive atmosphere at Kuppam as thousands of party activists gathered in support of Lokesh.

Kuppam turned yellowish as TDP flags, baloons and banners appear at every corner while all the hotels and lodges are filled with party functionaries. They offered special poojas to Lord Varadaraja Swamy.

Wide arrangements are made in an extent of over 10 acres near HP petrol pump in Kuppam from where Lokesh will address a public meeting before taking off on his pada yatra.

Lokesh who had the darshan of Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala reached Kuppam late but all along his way the TDP functionaries gave a tumultuous welcome to him. Party senior leaders and others welcomed Lokesh at R and B Guest House.

Kuppam voters who elected TDP president, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, for seven successive terms to the Assembly are ready to extend wholehearted support to Lokesh now.

The 4000-km-long ‘Yuva Galam’ pada yatra is going to create a history in the State and will be a milestone for the TDP.

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Naidu holds protest on road in Kuppam


Former chief minister and TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu on Friday held a protest in Kuppam against the GO 1 issued restricting the political parties from holding roadshows and meetings on the roads.

Chandrababu Naidu came down heavily on the state government, police and chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy for preventing him from touring his constituency. He said that Jagan Mohan Reddy is scared of the increasing popularity for him and the TDP which resulted in the government issuing the black GO.

The TDP chief alleged that Jagan Mohan Reddy was acting as a psycho targeting the opposition parties. He said that holding roadshows and street corner meetings is the prerogative of the political parties. He took exception to the government banning the primary right of the political parties.

The TDP chief also said that preventing him from touring his constituency is undemocratic and unacceptable. He asked the state government to withdraw the black GO and allow political parties to hold public meetings and rallies.

He also blamed the state police for succumbing to the pressures of the ruling party. He asked the police to be independent of the political parties. He also asked the police to stop serving the political interests of the ruling party.

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Naidu fires at State govt, police for blocking his Kuppam tour


Former chief minister and TDP president, Nara Chandarbabu Naidu, on Wednesday lambasted both the State Government and the police for creating hurdles to his visit to Kuppam, his home constituency.

Talking to media persons at Peddur of Kuppam Assembly segment in Chittoor district, Chandrababu Naidu reminded both the State government and the police that he won from Kuppam seven times and that he had informed the police about his visit much in advance. Stating that the government brought in the GO No-1 on January 2 imposing restrictions on the parties not to organise any road shows, Chandrababu felt that this clearly indicates that the meetings should be held only with the generosity of the ruling party.

Pointing out that Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, on Tuesday organised a meeting at Rajahmundry where holiday was declared for all educational institutions and shifted the people forcibly to his meeting by the private transport, RTC, school and college buses, the TDP supremo said that even Dwcra women were threatened with discontinuing their pension if they fail to attend the meeting.

“The people are being subjected to various kinds of problems if they fail to attend the ruling party leaders meetings. Even those who are unhealthy are not left out,” Chandrababu Naidu remarked. How the YSRCP leaders organised a meeting at Vizianagaram after the GO was issued, he asked.

“Had I, as chief minister, taken similar decisions like this, Jagan would not have even moved out. How can the State Government impose restrictions on me to visit my own constituency,” Chandrababu said.

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Police deny permission for Chandrababu Naidu’s roadshow in Andhra’s Kuppam


Tension prevailed in Kuppam town of Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday as police denied permission for a roadshow by Telugu Desam Party (TDP) national president N. Chandrababu Naidu.

TDP workers were stopped and sent back by the police as they were heading to Santhipuram in Kuppam, the home constituency of the former chief minister in Chittoor district.

The police also shifted the campaign vehicle (Prachara Radham) and the other vehicle carrying the sound system to the police station.

Hundreds of policemen were deployed as curbs were imposed on Naidu’s visit. This came a day after the state government issued an order prohibiting public meetings on roads.

The YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) government took the step in the wake of December 28 stampede at Kandukur during Naidu’s roadshow which had claimed eight lives.

The government has come under flak from the entire opposition for banning the public meetings and they called it an attempt to stifle the voice of dissent.

Naidu, who is the leader of opposition, decided to go ahead with his visit to Kuppam. Police stopped TDP workers who were heading to Pedduru village on Andhra-Karnataka border to welcome the party leader. This led to an argument between both sides.

Police erected barricades to stop TDP workers from proceeding towards the village and also to the road show.

Though the TDP supremo is likely to reach Pedduru village from Bengaluru in another couple of hours, heavy deployment of police has been made in all the villages to which he is scheduled to visit.

The police also removed the stage set up at Kenamakulapalli village for Chandrababu Naidu to address the gathering as part of the Rachabanda programme.

Policemen from various parts of the district were mobilised at Santhipuram. TDP leaders said though they had already submitted a letter seeking permission to the sound system, police shifted the campaign vehicle and another vehicle carrying the sound system to the police station. The drivers and other staff members were taken into custody.

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Sakshi, Jagan playing mind game on Kuppam


YSR Congress chief Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy and his Sakshi media are playing mind games with the people of Kuppam Assembly constituency. It is a fact that the ruling YSR Congress party had won all the elections held for Panchayat Raj and Municipal bodies in 2021.

It is also a fact that TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu trailed behind the YSR Congress candidate for the first three rounds in the 2019 general elections. With these facts in hand, the YSR Congress is trying to convince the people that the TDP is losing the seat in the 2024 elections.

Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy had been using Kuppam as a reference point to inspire his party leaders to work hard and win the next elections. He had even started the new slogan of Why Not 175 to motivate his party rank and file and inspire the voters.

AS the leader speaks, his media house, both Sakshi paper and Sakshi TV, are coming up with special stories on Kuppam trends. Every time, they say that the TDP is losing the seat. They are also spreading the message that Chandrababu Naidu, who had been winning consecutively since 1989, is now looking for a safe constituency and is feared of defeat in Kuppam.

Jagan Mohan Reddy had recently held a massive public meeting in Kuppam where he declared that his party had already won the seat and its candidate Bharat would be taken into the cabinet as Minister.

This is only to play mind games with the voters of the Kuppam Assembly constituency, who have been voting for the TDP in all elections, right from the Assembly election to the local body elections. There were incidents when the TDP had won the MP seat despite losing six seats to the Congress in the past. The lone Kuppam Assembly seat and the majority security here had saved the TDP on several occasions.

Now, it is to be seen how far the mind game and the motivated campaign would change the results in the 2024 elections.

Telugu360 is always open for the best and bright journalists. If you are interested in full-time or freelance, email us at Krishna@telugu360.com.

Jagan promises greater development of Kuppam


Chief Minister and YSR Congress president, Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy, on Friday, promised the people of Kuppam Assembly constituency, that he would develop the area in the days to come. He also promised to make MLC Bharat as cabinet minister after the 2024 general elections and requested the people to vote for him.

Jagan Mohan Reddy, who has been targeting the Kuppam Assembly constituency, which is represented by TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu for the past seven elections, made an appeal to the people to vote for the YSR Congress in the next elections.

“Kuppam would be my second Assembly constituency and I promise to personally take care of this area,” Jagan Mohan Reddy said while addressing the people of the constituency.

Jagan Mohan Reddy visited the Kuppam constituency where he launched the YSR Cheyutha on Friday. He also launched several developmental programmes for the constituency and the Kuppam Municipality during his visit.

The chief minister listed the number of development works initiated and completed in Kuppam in the last three years and requested them to compare the development with the regime of Chandrababu Naidu.

Jagan Mohan Reddy also wanted the people to bless him and MLC, Bharat, who would be contesting the 2024 elections against Chandrababu Naidu. He took a dig at Chandrababu Naidu for ignoring the development of Kuppam despite being the chief minister for 14 long years.

“You compare the development and welfare of this government in the last three years with the 14 years of Chandrababu Naidu,” Jagan Mohan Reddy told the Kuppam voters.

Will the Kuppam voters fall in line with Jagan Mohan Reddy or stay with Chandrababu Naidu in 2024 is the big question.

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Ambati says Naidu fears of losing Kuppam


AP Minister for Irrigation, Ambati Rambabu, on Friday said that TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu was scared of losing the Kuppam Assembly seat in the next elections. He said that the fear is clearly visible on Naidu’s face while he was addressing the party workers at Kuppam in the last three days.

The Minister said that Chandrababu Naidu had been winning the Kuppam constituency for the past seven elections. However, he said that Naidu had never visited the constituency even to file the nomination papers or to receive victory certificates from the election commission.

However, in the last three years, Chandrababu Naidu, wife Bhuvaneswari and son Lokesh have been visiting Kuppam on a regular basis, the Minister said and added that Naidu was constructing a house in Kuppam town for the first time.

Rambabu said that the TDP had lost the panchayat, zilla parishad and municipal elections held last year, despite Chandrababu Naidu and Lokesh campaigning extensively. Having lost every election, the TDP chief was now worried about losing the next election, he said.

The fear was seen on the face as Chandrababu Naidu made objectionable and provocative statements and encouraged his party activists to destroy the YSR Congress banners and hoardings. He wondered why the TDP chief provoked his party workers to attack the YSR Congress flags and hoardings, if not to create violence.

The Minister said that as local MLA, Chandrababu Naidu was welcome to visit his constituency, meet the people, besides holding meetings with his own party leaders and cadre. However, he said that Naidu had made provocative statements only to create tension and law and order problems during his visit and thus get sympathy.

Rambabu said that people of Kuppam are wise enough to know the political games of Chandrababu Naidu and would judge who is right and who is wrong. He also said that people would be able to judge what Chandrababu Naidu had done to the constituency since 1989 and what Jagan Mohan Reddy had done to them in the last three years.

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TDP Will Win Even at Pulivendula in Next General Elections: Chandrababu Naidu


M.S. Rao

Challenging the Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy to face the ensuing general elections, the TDP president Nara Chandrababu Naidu stated that the party would win Pulivendula Assembly Constituency, from which the Chief Minister has been representing the Assembly. Chandrababu Naidu, during his third day tour at Kuppam on Friday, addressed the large gathering of the public.

The TDP supremo announced that he was selecting very strong candidates across the 175 Assembly Constituencies and 25 Lok Sabha Constituencies in the State and the YSRCP should be prepared to face the general elections. Challa Babu, TDP in-charge at Punganur would be enough to face Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, Minister for Forests and Mines, in the next elections, Chandrababu Naidu added. Terming Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy as “Punganur Pudingi”, since he was representing from Punganur Assembly Constituency, the TDP president warned to be ready for the general elections.

Chandrababu Naidu said that, “The YSRCP is nothing but a shrinking ship. The debts of Andhra Pradesh will cross Rs. 10 lakh crore by the end of Jagan Reddy’s tenure. Instead of banning liquor, the CM borrowed from mortgaging liquor shops for the next 25 years. Jagan Reddy has been encouraging alcohol consumption in the State.”

The TDP president questioned the YSRCP president and CM Jagan Reddy that what would he tell the public while asking the votes in the ensuing general elections. He asked, “Whether you go and say that you killed your uncle? Or will you say public that you took loans to a tune of more than Rs. 10 lakh crore in just five years?”. He criticised that all the welfare programmes, which were benefiting during the TDP regime, had come to a halt in Jagan Reddy governance.

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Chandrababu responsible for Kuppam clashes: Sajjala


Government Advisor (Public Affairs) Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy held opposition leader Nara Chandrababu Naidu responsible for the clashes in Kuppam. Addressing a press conference here on Thursday, he said that TDP activists became anxious with Naidu’s visit to Kuppam and tried to remove YSRCP flags which were already existing in the village. Chandrababu was the first accused in Kuppam clashes, who tried to disturb the peaceful atmosphere, he said adding that the opposition has crossed the line and lost the eligibility to continue as a political party.

Sajjala slammed Naidu for intentionally inciting people and provoking them for political gains. He said that Chandrababu should be ashamed for opening his party office after 30 years of being an MLA representing the Kuppam constituency. He said that the opposition is unable to digest good governance and is trying to mislead and create a wrong impression to the public by instigating such attacks. He said Chandrababu never thought about the people or their welfare, and indeed betrayed all sections of the society.

Terming the TDP cadre’s attacks a deliberate attempt by Chandrababu to regain the Kuppam people’s faith, he said that people have already rejected TDP in local body polls from panchayats to municipalities and finally breathing in peace after coming out of Naidu’s shackles. He said that the people of Kuppam have seen development in YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s government and stated that Naidu has gone into depression after witnessing the overwhelming support from the public to YSRCP.

On this occasion, he flayed Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan over his comments on making Andhra Pradesh free from ‘YSRCP’. He mentioned that everyone knows that Chandrababu and Pawan Kalyan are working together and want to remove all the existing welfare schemes and take them away from people. He confidently stated that people are always with YSRCP and shall extend their support in all elections.

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YSRCP showing discrimination towards Kuppam, says Naidu


Former chief minister and TDP president, N Chandrababu Naidu, is of the strong opinion that the YSRCP Government is showing discrination towards Kuppam Assembly segment as he is representing the constituency.

Chandrababu Naidu on Wednesday held road shows in various parts of Kuppam. Addressing the gathering at Konganapalli in Shanthipuram mandal of the Assembly segment, Naidu said that the State Government is not taking up an developmental works in the constituency since he is representing from here.

No steps have been taken to complete the works like Handri-Neeva project and the housing units that were taken up during the TDP regime, Chandrababu Naidu said. “We have spent over Rs 100 cr on the housing project for the poor and onl part of the works have to be completed. The State Government has not initiated any steps to complete the works,” Naidu stated.

Also, the TDP government has allocated Rs 1350 cr to repair the tanks in the entire Kuppam constituency and had released almost half of the amount. “This inefficient Government cancelled the GO allocating Rs 1350 cr and is now claiming that it will release only Rs 65 cr, he pointed out.

The TDP government has launched the drip irrigation system from Kuppam and encouraged the micro-irrigation from here by giving 90 per cent subsidy. “I never ignored Pulivendula constituency just because the electorate there did not vote for the TDP,” Chandrababu Naidu stated.

The State Government is not interested in the welfare of the people but is more enthusiastic in imposing financial burdens on the common man, the TDP national president said. “If anyone consumes 300 units of power, he or she is not eligible for Ammavodi scheme. Even if someone owns a four-wheeler then such persons are exempted from the welfare schemes,” Naidu pointed out.

The former chief minister warned those indulging in rowdism in Kuppam of chasing them out to Pulivendula and promised to extend all welfare schemes to everyone, including those who are exempted now for various reasons.

“I always think that politics is different from welfare and that is the reason as to why I never shown any discrimination towards the voters in Pulivendula though they have defeated the TDP,” Naidu maintained. He said that he wanted to develop Pulivendula on the lines of Kuppam. “But you are making Kuppam like Pulivendula,” he said in a sarcastic way.

Naidu made it clear that he will bury YSRCP in Pulivendula. How the YSRCP can seek votes in the coming elections. “With what face you can go to the people. What did you do to them,” he asked.

Naidu predicted that the YSRCP will lose even in Pulivendula in the coming polls. “Leave alone winning 175 segments. You can not win even the Pulivendula segment,” he felt.

The TDP national president said that the Chief Minister, agan Mohan Reddy, is trying to grab the 8,500 acres allotted to Indu project during the YSR regime. Jagan is ready to transport cash to Pulivendula through trucks to distribute to the voters there since he has tonnes of money.

As a responsible Chief Minister, Jagan should pull up his party MP for his ‘indecent behaviour. But Jagan is only foisting cases against us for questioning such persons,’ he added.

He said that he is still continuing in politics only to bring the State back onto the rails. People should come out of the caste politics and teach a fitting lesson to Jagan, he added.

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Kuppam YSRCP quarels, Peddireddy plays mediator


The YSRCP may have won Kuppam with a resounding majority but not everything is hunky-dory for it these days. The YSRCP ward councillors are at war with one another. Municipal chairperson’s ways are being questioned by the party insiders themselves. One of the two vice-chairpersons of Kuppam municipality has met Chittoor strongman and minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy with a litany of complaints against the municipal chairperson.

The YSRCP created history when it wrested the TDP citadel and Chandrababu’s home turf of Kuppam in the recent municipal polls. It won 19 wards with a thumping majority leaving just 6 seats to the TDP. But, the great success story came with a lot of problems. Intense groupism in YSRCP forced the top bosses to appoint two vice-chairpersons to the tiny municipality. One of them was Munuswami who belongs to district YSRCP general secretary Vidya Sagar and the other was Hafeez backed by RESCO chairperson Senhil Kumar.

One of the two municipal vice chairpersons , Hafeez, recently met Peddireddy with a host of complaints against municipal chairperson Sudheer. He had the support of RESCO chairperson Senthil Kumar. Not to be outdone, the chairperson too met Peddireddy with his supporters. They had their own litany of complaints against the Senthil group.

Peddireddy reportedly tried to patch up the differences between the two groups. While he reportedly praised the leadership of Sudheer on one hand, he reportedly advised him to ensure that all the party councillors get their share of municipal works. Sources say that the truce between Sudheer and Senthil is only temporary and this episode of infighting will sure have sequel.

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Kuppam YSRCP bickers, fritters away gains


Is the YSRCP frittering away its gains in the all-important Kuppam constituency? Has groupism begun to eat into the vitals of the party? Internal bickering, it appears, is all set to hand back the Kuppam assembly constituency back to the TDP, whose citadel Kuppam was till recently.

Internal sources say three strong groups have emerged in the Kuppam YSRCP and all the three are trying to undercut one another. As a result, the YSRCP cadre is left confused and the party is getting weaker. With a foxy Chandrababu focusing on the constituency through his regular visits and outreaches, the TDP appears to be clawing its way back.

Chandrababu’s strongest citadel of Kuppam began slipping out of TDP grip since the 2019 elections. In the first two rounds of the 2019 elections, Chandrababu trailed behind the YSRCP candidate. This was a huge shock for the TDP. Though Chandrababu went on to win, albeit by a lower margin, the TDP could not recover. In the Panchayat elections, the YSRCP won 74 of the 89 panchayats, leaving just 14 to the TDP. In the municipal elections again, YSRCP has won 19 of the 25 wards. The YSRCP has rewarded key local leaders with plum posts.

But, that’s where the problems started for the YSRCP. Bharat, who was made an MLC, Senthil Kumar, who was made Resco chairperson and municipal chairperson Sudheer are now fighting among themselves. The three leaders are levelling allegations against each other and are exposing the financial dealings of one another. Despite Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy’s efforts, the group infighting is only growing. As a result, they are fast losing support among the people. This, according to political analysts, is giving an opportunity for the TDP to make a comeback in its former citadel of Kuppam.

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YSRCP rewards party’s Kuppam poll incharge with MLC post


The ruling YSRCP is pulling all stops to wrest Kuppam municipality from the TDP. Chittoor YSRCP strongman and minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy is personally camping in Kuppam to spearhead the party’s campaign. He is taking on the might of former CM Chandrababu Naidu, who contested and won from Kuppam eight times in a row, and his son Nara Lokesh Babu.

The importance that the YSRCP has attached to Kuppam municipality could be gauged from the fact that Thamballapalle MLA P Dwarakanath Reddy has been made the overall incharge for Kuppam Municipality. Besides Peddireddy, his son and MP Mithun Reddy is also camping in Kuppam. The YSRCP has also created several teams to spring into action at the field level.

In what could be seen as a measure of importance that the YSRCP leadership is giving to Kuppam, one of the incharges in Kuppam Bharat Krishna has been nominated for the MLC post from the Chittoor district local body constituency. An official announcement has also been made. The party thinking heads feel that this decision will build renewed enthusiasm among the party cadre to work for the victory in Kuppam.

The YSRCP feels that it can rewrite history in Kuppam this time. In the panchayat elections conducted in February and March, the YSRCP had won 74 of the 89 gram panchayats in Chittoor. Of these 26 panchayats are in Kuppam mandal. Of these, the YSRCP has won 21. Similarly, of the 17 MPTCs in Kuppam mandal, 15 went to the ruling YSRCP. Even the Naravaripalle, the home village of Chandrababu Naidu, YSRCP has registered a victory. Let’s wait and see how things unfold.

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