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Porn stars flooding mainstream cinema: What message is being passed to society


Porn stars in Movies

Adult star Mia Khalifa will make her Malayalam film debut with Chunkzz 2: The Conclusion, a sequel of hit sex comedy Chunkzz, Confirmed the news, the director Omar Lulu couple of days back. It seems like Sunny Leone has inspired many fellow adult stars to try their hand at mainstream films. But this news of porn star Mia Khalifa entering mainstream cinema has almost created sort of tremors in the industry and triggered a debate among analysts – whether this trend is good for Indian society or not.

There have been some arguements that why not porn stars can join mainstream media. When heroes like Sanjay Dutt who were convicted on the charges of terrorism (TADA) are accepted what is wrong in porn stars entering the film industry. Also, they say we don’t know under what circumstances these girls became porn stars and so they have a right to give their life a second chance.

But, while all these arguments are hypothetically correct, we need to understand the hard practical problems. By accepting porn stars into mainstream cinema and giving them celebrity status implicitly giving the message that porn is being accepted in the society. While there have been reports that teenagers who got addicted to porn are becoming mentally disturbed and gradually assimilating perversion into their psyches, what kind of good these film makers want to do to the society by bringing in porn stars into mainstream and making them stars.

Recently Sunny Leone went to Kerala and the massive crowd surrounded her astonished people because not even a prime minister’s meeting had seen such a big crowd. Though it seems to be a funny incident bringing some smiles to watch such crowd to see a porn star, there are some danger bells to the society underlying it. Do we know that convent girls and teenage girls are competing themselves to take a selfie with sunny leone. What is the message these girls will get. There is a quote – In a society where educated are unemployed and illiterate rowdies are ruling, how can we convince a kid to study well to have a good future. Same way in the society where porn stars are given a red carpet and the highly educated and dignified people are treated as layman what will be the future generation up to. What precedent, we are setting to them, as a society by adulating porn stars.

Let us forget about the harm being done to society for a while and just see whether it is good for film industry at least. Sunny Leone is already accepted, and if Mia Khalifa is also welcomed grandly, definitely it will be the start of deterioration of film industry. Taking cue from these stars getting “hand”ful of movies, many other porn stars also try to penetrate into the film industry. May be, soon it will become a short cut to enter mainstream media and industry will be full of these Xtreamly talented actors and actresses. In early days, it was a taboo for ladies to enter the film industry but last couple of decades, things have changed and women from highly reputed families also entering the industry. But if the flood of porn stars continues, again the situation becomes similar to what it was in early days of cinema industry.

Makers need to understand there is no dearth of actors and actresses and new comers. They dont have to run behind these porn stars. Of course, we can’t label any profession or person is completely good or bad. But showing red carpet to the porn stars who are not at all regretting their past is definitely a danger signal to the society as well as film industry too!!!

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