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Alarming Rise of Obesity in India


Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has presented an economic survey in parliament highlighting growing concerns over obesity in India.

Sitharaman stated that 54 percent of diseases in India are attributed to unhealthy eating habits. The obesity rate in adults is tripling, and there’s also a steep rise in childhood obesity, following trends seen in Vietnam and Namibia.

According to The Lancet, 23 percent of Indians were overweight, with a body mass index over 25. In India, women over 30 are struggling with high rates of abdominal obesity, with 55 percent affected for those above 40 years old.

Also Read : Modi Govt’s big message on Special Category Status

While the situation is worse in regions like West Asia and Eastern Europe, the latest increase in obesity in India is worrying. A survey report shows that the obesity rate is 29.8 percent in urban areas and 19.3 percent in rural areas.

Delhi has the highest obesity rate, with 41.3 percent of women and 37 percent of men affected. Andhra Pradesh ranks third, with 36.3 percent of women and 31.1 percent of men classified as obese.

The Indian Council for Medical Research attributes high obesity rates partly to the consumption of highly processed foods and sugars. Given the concerning situation, preventive measures need to be taken, and people should be encouraged to adopt healthier lifestyles.


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Modi Govt’s big message on Special Category Status

“Will Andhra Pradesh get special category status?” This is a big question in every AP citizen’s mind. And, Special Category Status (SCS) is also a handy issue for all political parties in AP. Whenever any party wants to target their opponents, they raise the issue of Special Status.

But, putting rest to all these political dramas and general public doubts, Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA Government has given a very clear message on Special Category Status on Monday.

Responding to Bihar MP Ramprit Mandal’s query, whether Government has plans to provide special Status to Bihar, Pankaj Chaudary, Minister of State for Finace said a clear and resounding ‘no’.

Union Minister has explained the reasons for not allotting special category status to Bihar in a well written reply.

“The Special Category Status for plan assistance was granted in the past by the National Development Council (NDC) to some States that were characterized by a number of features necessitating special consideration. These features included:

(i) Hilly and difficult terrain
(ii) Low population density and/or sizeable share of tribal population,
(iii) Strategic location along borders with neighbouring countries
(iv) Economic and infrastructural backwardness
(v) Non-viable nature of State finances,” the reply stated,” wrote Minister, highlighting the preconditions needed for granting Special Status to any state in India.

“Earlier, the request of Bihar for Special Category Status was considered by an Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) which submitted its Report on 30th March, 2012. The IMG came to the finding that based on existing NDC criteria, the case for Special Category Status for Bihar is not made out,” further read the reply, stating in very clear terms that Bihar will not get special Status.

Also Read : Naidu meets Modi, seeks funds in budget

The point to be noted here is the issue was raised by MP from JDU, which is an ally of BJP and on whose support Prime Minister Narendra Modi became PM.

This means that even Andhra Pradesh will not get special Status, as it does not comply any of the preconditions needed for SCS.

Even the slight hope that Modi Sarkar may consider Special Category Status request from AP, as it is dependent on TDP MPs support has also been dashed off. Because even Nitish’s JDU is also a key player in NDA, but Modi Sarkar has shown no interest in even entertaining
Special Status request. So, in all probability Modi Sarkar will adopt the same strategy even if Chandrababu’s TDP comes up with the demand of Special category status for AP.


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Rahul Gandhi calls Indian examination system fraud


As expected, the issue of NEET paper leakage rocked Loksabha on the first day of Parliament session. Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi questioned Modi Govt’s inaction and complacency in this important matter concerning the lives of lakhs of students.

“It is obvious to the whole country that there is a very serious problem in our examination system. This is not just a question of NEET. It is in all the major examinations. Now the Minister has blamed everybody except himself. I don’t think he understands the fundamentals of what’s going on here,” said Rahul Gandhi pulling up Union Minister of Education Dharmendra Pradhan in Loksabha.

Also Read : Group II exam postponed

“The issue is there are millions of students in this country who are extremely concerned about what’s going on. Who are convinced that Indian examination system is a fraud. That is what is at stake. Millions of people believe, if you are rich and if you have money, you can buying Indian examination system. And this is the same feeling we the people in the Opposition have,” pointed our Rahul Gandhi making serious allegations over Indian examination system.

“And that is why, we are asking some very simple questions to Honourable Minister. Number one: As this is a systematic issue, what exactly are you doing to fix this issue at a system level. That’s the first question,” further said Rahul Gandhi questioning Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan over the steps taken by Government to address NEET paper leakage issue.


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