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Ponnam targets Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay


Transport and BC Welfare Minister Ponnam Prabhakar fired on Union Ministers from Telangana, Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay, saying both had failed to get a single rupee to their state, in Union Budget. Ponnam demanded resignation of both Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay as they failed to get allocated funds to their own Loksabha Constituencies leave alone Telangana state.

“CM Revanth Reddy Government allotted Rs 10,000 Cr for the wholesome development of Hyderabad. How many funds did Kishan Reddy bring from Centre for the city? Though Kishan Reddy has been representing city, he has failed to get funds for the city. With what face are BJP leaders criticising Congress Government’s commitment towards Telangana development?” questioned Transport and BC Welfare Minister Ponnam Prabhakar speaking at Assembly Media Point on Saturday.

Also Read : Revanth Reddy mocks Union Budget as ‘Kurchi Bachao Budget’

Stepping up his attack on BJP Ministers further, Ponnam said, “Both Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay have failed to get funds for Telangana in the Union Budget. They did not succeed in bringing funds to atleast their own Loksabha Constituencies. They should resign for Union Minister posts.”

“If Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay have Telangana DNA, then they should put pressure on Prime Minister Modi and ensure funds allocation for Telangana. Even Congress MPs and MLAs will join them, if they are committed to bring funds to Telangana,” reasoned Ponnam Prabhakar.

Ponnam Prabhakar added that Telangana Government has boycotted Niti Ayog meeting, only to highlight the stepmotherly treatment of PM Modi Govt towards Telangana. He rued that Centre has been intentionally showing vendetta towards Telangana, inspite of CM Revanth Reddy treating PM Modi in a very respectful way.


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“KCR as cheap liquor brand ambassador disgraceful”


Congress former MP Ponnan Prabhakar wondered how a chief minister prescribes liquor consumption as a remedy for body pains for a working class man in Telangana after a day-long hard labor.

Referring to Telangana chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s promotion of cheap liquor, Ponnam, who represented Karimanagar Lok Sabha constituency in previous Lok Sabha, said KCR was first chief minister in the country, who openly endorsed consumption liquor as body-pain reliever for poor in the place of country liquor.
” Mr Chief Minister, can you release a medical certificate to prove that cheap liquor has soothing effect on the people?,” he asked.

Ponnam on behalf of Congress party is working for an all-party JAC to wage struggle against the cheap liquor promotion by chief minister himself.

“In the name of eliminating Gudumba (country brew), the government has decided to make available to cheap liquor in every village in Telangana. The mandal headquarters will have a shop and every village will have an outlet. This is the promotion strategy of the government,” Ponnam said.

Stating that governmental promotion of cheap liquor and making it freely available at every street corner would ruin the families of weaker sections in the new state, he said.

“With chief minister KCR as brand ambassador, and ubiquitous availability will encourage people to cheap liquor consuption. It is bound to destroy the family economies.Families are bound to witness unrest. It will spoil cordial relations in families. Crime rates and suicides will increase. All parties should oppose and form into a Joint Action Committee to oppose the introduction of cheap liquor,” Ponnam told T-360.

The former MP ridiculed KCR for his inability to eliminate Gudumba despite having vast police, prohibition apparatus at his command.
“Attempt to ban Gudumba only to help liquor business won’t do any good. Because, as production of Gudumba is lucrative, it always encourages illicit brewing,” he warned.
Ponnam said an attempt was being made to form JAC with all political parties and voluntary bodies to fight the menace of KCR’s cheap liquor promotion.

If JAC proves impracticable, Congress would alone launch a movement against the introduction of cheap liquor as medicine and outlets in every village, he said adding that Congress had the backing of many women’s organizations.
” We will announce the action plan in a day or two,” Ponnam said.

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