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Bigg Boss Telugu 8: Kitchen Restrictions and Housemate Conflicts Heat Up


The latest episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 8 is filled with drama, strategy, and rising tensions. The real players and master manipulators are beginning to reveal their strategies, making the game more intense.

One of the key moments in the house occurred when Prerana expressed her frustration over Vishnu Priya eating two eggs. This led to Prerana pointing it out during the nominations. When Vishnu asked her to make dosa, Prerana revealed her true intentions.

Manikanta, meanwhile, found himself in the middle of the conflict. Some housemates criticized him for his honest opinions on the ongoing situation between Vishnu and Prerana. Prerana did not take kindly to his remarks and responded with harsh words, escalating the tension.

On another front, Prithvi was upset by comments made by Soniya. He confided in Nikhil about his feelings. Nikhil, in turn, became possessive of Soniya when he saw her regretting her comments about Prithvi.

Seetha, observing Nikhil’s behavior, was displeased. She believed that Nikhil was being influenced by Soniya and wasn’t fulfilling his duties as the chief of the clan.

In a significant development, the Sakthi clan won the food task, giving them access to the Bigg Boss supermarket. On the other hand, the losing Kantara team had to leave their food in the storeroom and could only access the general store. In a surprising twist, Bigg Boss imposed a time restriction on kitchen usage, limiting cooking hours to just 14 hours a day.

The drama didn’t stop there. A competitive game, Prabhavati 2.0, began, where housemates raced to collect eggs. It was a physical and strategic battle as teams fought to gather and protect their eggs.

Midway through the game, the Sakthi team collected 21 eggs, while Kantara trailed behind with only 10. Prithvi became increasingly emotional, struggling to control his frustration with the opposing team.

In the end, the Sakthi team emerged victorious with 66 eggs, while Kantara managed to collect only 34. Due to the lower egg count, a Kantara team member was eliminated. The Sakthi team selected Nabeel and he will be the Sanchalak of the game.

Even by 10:30 PM during the live stream, housemates were still deeply engrossed in the ongoing competition, showing no signs of slowing down.


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Bigg Boss Telugu 8 : Nomination Drama Unfolds


The latest episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 8 saw intense nomination discussions among housemates. Seetha kicked off the process by nominating Yashmi for bias and Prithvi for aggression. Vishnu Priya targeted the Sanchalak role, nominating unfair players. Manikanta called out Yashmi’s negativity, leading to a heated exchange.

Emotional strength became a talking point when Prerana nominated Seetha. A food-related issue prompted Prerana to nominate Vishnu Priya, resulting in name-calling. Adithya Om’s nominations focused on gameplay tactics and gratitude.

Yashmi surprised viewers by nominating Manikanta, citing his strategic relationship-building as dangerous. Nabeel’s logical nominations of Yashmi and Prerana for their Sanchalak failures left a strong impact.

During the nominations, Nikhil and Soniya’s private chat disappointed Bigg Boss, as it went against house rules. Prithvi’s nomination of Seetha for perceived weakness sparked a debate about emotional management in the game.

Soniya’s nominations stirred controversy, especially her comments about Nainika’s confidence and age. This led to a confrontation with Yashmi over dominance and Soniya’s dressing comments, affecting house harmony.

The chief nomination process saw Abhay nominating himself, potentially saving Nikhil from elimination. Post-nominations, discussions continued, Seetha confronting Prithvi and Soniya engaging with Manikanta.

In a revealing moment, Prithvi admitted to Vishnu Priya that his nomination of Seetha was retaliatory for a previous week’s nomination. As the dust settles, Prerana, Nainika, Prithvi, Manikanta, Vishnu Priya, Seetha, Yashmi, and Abhay face the public vote this week.

The nomination episode has set the stage for an exciting week ahead in Bigg Boss Telugu 8 ,with alliances shifting and tensions rising among the contestants.


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Bigg Boss Telugu 8 : The Real Gamers Are On


Soniya, Prithvi , Abhay  and Nikhil started having a nice rapo while Swetha is disappointed with Bebakka’s exit. The housemates are getting ready for nominations, and 24/7 Manikanta and Prerana started influencing housemates over nominations. Soniya and Prithvi started talking about how their future partners should be. Soniya’s nature after Vishnu’s adultery comments is questionable as she started flirting with Nikhil last week and now with Prithvi. It looks like all girls in the house are pulling Prithvi for his attitude. Soniya is flirting with Nikhil as well by asking him to quit smoking. Vishnu’s strong nature is impressive and her stand over her words is showing her true human being.

Coming to Nominations:

Yashmi is saved from nominations as she is the Chief of the biggest clan.

Seetha nominated Nikhil for his last weak attitude and Prerana for her influential behaviour and throwing a bottle in a dust bin. Prerana defends saying that Seetha is busy with character assassination.

Abhay nominated Vishnu Priya for being in the flip zone. BB gave counter to Abhay by saying not to tell Nag sir the reason for nominations. His second nomination is Adhitya saying that he is not involved in everything. Adithya’s reply is stunning and made Abhay a victim.

Prerana nominated Nainika for her humiliation of the clan. Her second nomination is Seetha for not understanding tasks.  Seetha’s clear attitude is impressive and somehow Soniya with her flirting nature turned weak this week.

Manikanta nominated Adithya Om because he has a double face. Adithya Om also turned impressive with his cool attitude. His second nomination is Sekhar Basha for eating all the sweets that Nagarjuna gave and saving the sweets for his team.

Adithya nominated Abhay for his wrong nomination. His second nomination is Sekhar Basha by calling him indisciplined and careless.

Vishnu nominates Mani for his last week nomination. Her second nomination is Soniya for her wrong words. Soniya blames Vishnu’s sensitivity.

Sekhar Basha nominated Manikanta for his attitude. His second nomination is Adhitya Om because of his words and said his words are defaming.  The conversation between Adithya Om and Sekhar Basha are really emotional. Their love and game seperation is genuine.

Manikanta in 24/7 is a Real Gamer.


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Bigg Boss Telugu 8 : Day 3 , Confession room first visitor


Nominations continued on day 3, Adhithya Om nominated Prithvi for not fulfilling his duties and for losing his temper. His second nomination is Sekhar Basha, that is for his laziness. chief nominated Sekhar Basha and saved Prithvi.

With Nikhil’s influence Prithvi said sorry to Baby Akka in between nominations.

Seetha nominated Prerana for using words like ego and superiority. She suggested not be someone’s shoe. Seetha’s second nomination is Baby akka, she swift here nomination from Vishnu Priya because she got strong points on Baby Akka for not maintaining discipline in kitchen like providing one cuisine for dinner. Chief saved Prerana.

Vishnu Priya’s first nominations is Sekhar Basha for being slow. Her second nomination is Soniya for Baby Akka pressure cooker conversation. Abhainaveen nominated Manikanta for the way he behave. He also nominated Baby akka. Chief saved Baby akka.

Prerana nominated Manikanta for not conveying his back story. Manikanta goes emotional and tells all his emotional story. Chief also stood supportive for Prerana and blamed Manikanta for carrying emotional trauma in the house. Her second nomination was Soniya for passing judgements on other house mates. Chief nominated Soniya for her attitude.

Manikanta nominated Vishnu Priya for calling him cute and pointing him about his feminine nature. His second nomination is Sekhar Basha for sleeping in the house. Chief saved Sekhar basha.

Prithvi nominated Baby Akka for not being fit. His second nomination is Manikanta because he is doing more drama. Prithvi called Manikanta that he is playing a game of sympathy card and passing negative energy in the house. Chief saved Baby akka.

Nominated contestants are baby akka, Soniya Sekhar basha. Vishnu Priya, prithvi and Manikanta. After nominations many housemates felt emotional and Manikanta drama is unbearable in the house. Manikanta turned out to be crying baby for the season.

Bigg boss called him in to confession room. He is playing so much emotional drama in the house and using Bigg Boss house as the platform to save his life. Bigg Boss gave so much emotional support to Manikanta showed his strength and asked him to belive in himself.

On 24/7 live :

Bigg Boss House turned out to be fun after the nominations. Nikhil, Seetha, Prithvi, Soniya and the gang started having all the fun by imitating the nomination phase. All housemates are concerned over Soniya’s strong nomination stand. Anyway, they are making fun of her style, but yet this shows how she made her mark in the house.

Soniya and Baby Akka sat together for a conversation over nomination on pressure cooker. Soniya is slowly grabbing the attention of all the housemates with her clarity and projection of details.


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Bigg Boss Telugu 8: Drama Unfolded in First Week Nominations


The day started with dogs barking at Manikanta in the Bigg Boss house. Nabeel, Abhai, and Basha began gossiping about Manikanta’s attitude and his tendency to isolate himself.

A cooking ruckus started also started on day 3 itself. Baby Akka took the lead in the kitchen, giving instructions. Soniya took charge of ration management, while Baby Akka continued with kitchen duties after the reshuffle.

Nikhil, Nainika, and Yashmi were appointed as the first week’s chiefs in the Bigg Boss house, and Bigg Boss presented them with haras (some beads chain). These three were exempted from nominations and also given the power to save one person from nominations.

Soniya started the season’s nominations. She nominated Baby Akka, calling her irresponsible. Her second nomination was Prerana. Baby Akka received one vote from the chief.

Nabeel nominated Manikanta and Baby Akka for not interacting with him. Bigg Boss was not satisfied with the reasons, claiming they were baseless and calling it a safe game. However, Nabeel stood by his nominations.

Shekar Basha also nominated Manikanta for being reserved and not interacting with the housemates. Basha’s second nomination was Baby Akka for not satisfying the hunger of the housemates. Basha also complained about roti, saying Baby Akka doesn’t allow him to heat it. He nominated her for her strong attitude. He made a statement, “amma petta pettadhu, addukka thinanivvadhu” (mother doesn’t feed, doesn’t allow to eat). Manikanta received a vote from a chief.

Baby Akka, as the kitchen head, nominated Prithviraj for not helping with kitchen work. Prithviraj responded strongly, saying he’s not in the kitchen department and shouldn’t be expected to help. Sita objected, and the issue escalated into arguments. Baby Akka’s second nomination was Nabeel for not being active. Chief voted for Prithviraj.

The nomination process will continue tomorrow.


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