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No revenge politics in Andhra Pradesh, says Anitha


AP Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha on Thursday said that they were not pursuing revenge politics in the state. She said that they would have started the revenge politics on the day they took the oath.

She addressed the media after a meeting with the senior police officials in Velagapudi on the day. She said that they were trying to set the department in order. Previous government had used the police only for security purposes and to arrest the opposition leaders. She asserted that this government would use the department for implementation of law and order.

The previous government had booked several cases against the opposition leaders. Even she had 23 cases filed against her. She said that she would speak to chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu and take a decision on the fake police cases filed against the TDP leaders across the state in the last five years.

The previous government had also failed to construct a police academy. Though the Central government had given funds, the previous government did not construct the police academy. The government also did not construct the greyhounds academy in the state. Several police stations have no furniture and no permanent buildings, she said.

The escort vehicles are also not in condition, she said. The department was using the vehicles provided during 2014 and 2019, she said. The previous government did not take interest in providing vehicles, and infrastructure to the police department, she said. She would review and ensure that every police station has permanent buildings and infrastructure.

The Home Minister further said that she would take steps to stop ganja cultivation and transportation in the state. In the last five years, ganja was cultivated in the state on a large scale and it was transported to other states, she said. The ganja and drugs from Andhra Pradesh were caught in several states in the country in the last five years, she said. The police department would keep an eye on the ganja and drugs transportation in the state, she asserted.

The present government would also make the police as people friendly. She said that people would get their respect at the police stations. People’s problems are also solved with great respect, she said.

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Woman murdered in Bapatla, Naidu deputes home minister


A woman was murdered in Bapatla district during early hours on Friday. Shocked at the murder, chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu deputed home minister Anitha Vangalapudi to visit the family and do justice to the victims. He also directed the home minister to console the family and ensure that justice is done at the earliest.

A woman went to the morning call on Friday morning. As she did not return home, her father went searching for her. He found her body near the railway track in the bushes. He complained to the police about his daughter’s murder.

The police reached Eepurupalem village of Chirala Mandal in Bapatla district and started an investigation. Bapatla SP, Vakul Jindal also visited the village and interacted with the woman’s parents. The police are looking into different issues to find the culprits. They are also collecting the data of the suspected persons in the village. They questioned several people in the village to know the motive behind the murder.

Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu directed the police to complete the investigation at the earliest and find the culprits. He wanted serious action against the killers. He also told the police to keep an eye on the women’s security in the state. He said that the safety of women is important to this government.

Chandrababu Naidu told the police that he would not tolerate violence against women in the state. Women and girls are to be protected; he told the police. He wanted the police to investigate the murder and bring all the culprits to the book at the earliest.

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Anitha blames police for taking YSRCP stand


AP home minister Vangalapudi Anitha on Monday blamed some police officials for taking the side of the YSR Congress in the last five years. She wanted them to change their attitude now or quit their jobs and join the party. She said that the present government would not leave any scope for politics in governance.

Anitha worshiped Appanna Swamy in Simhachalam on that day. The temple priests and officials received her and felicitated her on her visit to the temple. It was for the first time that the Minister had visited the temple in the district, after taking charge as the Home Minister.

Later, speaking to the media, Anitha said that she had prayed for the welfare of the people in the state. She wanted the deity to bless everyone in the state for the next five years. She promised good governance for the next five years.

She said that they would not leave anyone who committed crime in the past. She said that the YSR Congress leaders have encroached lands and did injustice to the people. She said she would not allow such actions in future. She also said that the Simhachalam temple lands would be protected. We would not allow even a single cent of the land into private hands, she said.

The home minister said that some police officials have acted as the YSR Congress leaders. They were more loyal to the former chief minister than the party leaders. She sought to advise such police officials to stop being loyal to a political party. She asked them to quit the job and join the YSR Congress, if they still loved Jagan Mohan Reddy and his party.

She said that she would take action against some officials who did favours to the YSR Congress in the last five years. She said that the TDP had some names of the officers who were loyal to the YSR Congress in five years. The government would take action against such officers and protect democracy, she said.

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Jagan murdered democracy in Kuppam, says Vangalapudi Anitha


Telugu Mahila president Vangalapudi Anitha, on Wednesday came down heavily on the ruling YSRCP. Talking to media persons here, Anitha said that the comments made by the YSRCP leaders from Kuppam thoroughly exposed the hidden agenda of Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, as to how he could claim that his party would win 175 Assembly seats in the State.

“Several senior YSRCP leaders distributed huge amounts of money to the voters during the municipal elections in the Kuppam Assembly segment,” the TDP woman wing president said.

The husband of one of the women corporators, at a recent meeting of the municipality, admitted that each voter was paid Rs 5,000 in the polls. He also stated that the bills have been pending since long for the works executed by them, Anitha pointed out. These remarks made by the woman corporator’s husband have sent a clear indication to the people that the YSRCP won the polls by distributing money, she said and added that this clearly exposed the hidden agenda of Jagan behind his claim of winning all the 175 Assembly seats.

“It is really shameful that Jagan always thinks that the voters in Andhra Pradesh can be bought through money,” Anitha said, adding that there are no funds with the government even to pay the salaries of the employees. Every sector is being looted to mint money and over Rs 25,000 cr has been made through liquor sale by imposing huge amounts of taxes.

The Ministers and the other ruling party MLAs do not dare to reach the common man but when some raises any questions false cases are being foisted against such persons, she added. How can this kind of party win 175 seats, Anitha asked.

The credit of taking Kuppam in a progrssive path goes to the TDP national president and former chief minister, Chandrababu Naidu, she observed and said that Chandrababu can proudly claim that he had taken all the necessary measures to supply irrigation and drinking water to Kuppam. When a woman, Nagamma, belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC) community died under mysterious circumstances in Kuppam, why no action has been taken against any one till now, she asked.

Over 5,000 farmers had committed suicide in the past three-and-half yers, she said adding that another woman has attempted suicide in front of the Chief Minister’s residence as she was being subjected to harassment by the gunman of the YSRCP MLA, Dadisetti Raja. The TDP woman wing president said that Jagan is interested only in cases being registered against the TDP leaders.

As Jagan has miserably failed in administration, he is now trying to inflame regional differences among the people of different parts of the State, Anitha observed. Though a complaint has been lodged by MLA, Adireddy Bhavani, that some objectionable comments have been posted against her in social media, no action has been taken yet, she pointed out.

Why is the Mahila Commission chairperson not meeting the Director General of Police (DGP) on such issues, she asked. Is it the Mahila Commission or Jagan Reddy commission, she questioned. Anitha said that there is no security for women in the YSRCP rule.

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CM’s inefficiency has become bane for women in AP, says Anitha


Telugu Desam Party (TDP) politburo member and president of the Telugu Mahila, Vangalapudi Anitha, on Tuesday expressed anger at Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, as he is not taking any measures for the safety of women in the State.

Talking to media persons over Zoom, Anitha said that Jagan, who before coming to power, made several promises that he would stand by women but after assuming change as the Chief Minister of the State he is totally ignoring the women safety and is safeguarding the goondas and rowdy-sheeters. On an average at least 49 cases of atrocities against women are being reported daily and this clearly indicates the commitment of Jagan towards the safety of women, she noted.

The law and order in the State has totally collapsed due to which there is no security for women, Anitha observed. The inefficiency and inability of this psycho Chief Minister are driving women into complete insecurity, she felt and demanded that Jagan answer as to how 45,000 cases of atrocities against women have been reported in the State after he assured charge as the Chief Minister. In the past 20 days at least 17 such cases have been reported, she pointed out.

But till now the Chief Minister has not opened his mouth on these crimes being reported from almost all parts of the State,” Anitha observed. Stating that Anusha of Budvel mandal in Kadapa district died due to the negligence of the police, she asked how the police, much before the postmortem report is submitted, can claim that she had committed suicide.

Though several such incidents are taking place in the whole State why the Director General of Police (DGP) is maintaining silence, she asked. The president of the women’s wing of the TDP believes that Jagan does not respond to such incidents but only reacts on the sale of ganja and other narcotics. Andhra Pradesh stood on top position in the sale of narcotics, she noted.

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Jagan’s three capitals slogan only to protect Vizag land grabbers: TDP


Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has brought the decentralisation issue onto the scene as so that he should not fall victim to the large number of land scams by his own party leaders in Visakhapatnam, said Telugu Desam Party (TDP) politburo member, Vangalapudi Anitha, on Thursday.

Talking to media persons at the TDP headquarters here, Anitha said that Jagan is instigating the people from North Andhra to attack the farmers from Amaravati only to save himself from these land grabbers. JAC means not joint action committee but it is Jagan’s Action Committee and the YSRCP leaders are playing every role in it, she observed.

“When the whole State is supporting Amaravathi as the capital of the State, only Jagan and his supporters are playing the three capital cards,” Anitha said and asked what ruling party MP, Vijayasai Reddy, is doing when there was move to privatise the Vizag Steel Plant. The call for the ‘Garjana’ was given only to bring in regional feelings among the people of the State, she felt.

Anitha expressed surprise at the ruling party leaders now bringing the three capitals issue onto the scene when these very leaders withdrew the decentralisation bill from the Assembly. Why there is sudden love towards Visakhapatnam, she asked and felt that the affection is not towards the people from the area but on the lands in the port city.

Jagan and his henchmen do not want the pada yatra of Amaravathi farmers to be a success and thus they are now playing all kinds of dramas, the TDP politburo member said. How the YSRCP Government which chased away major companies like Lulu Group, Medtech Zone and Adani Data Centre from Visakhapatnam can develop the city now, she asked.

Even the roads in the Greater Visakha Municipal Corporation (GVMC) limits are in a very poor condition, she pointed out and felt that the ruling party leaders are indulging in mud slinging only to see to it that the Amaravathi farmers pada yatra should not be a success.

Anitha opined that Vijayasai Reddy and another MP from his party, MVV Satyanarayana, are forcibly grabbing lands like Daspalla, Radisson Hotel lands from owners by threatening them.

Anitha asserted that come what may the pada yatra of the farmers will be a resounding success and Amaravati will remain as the capital of Andhra Pradesh.

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TDP women chief faults Mahila Commission chief meeting DGP


TDP women wing – Telugu Mahila – president and former MLA, Vangalapudi Anitha, on Thursday dared DGP K V Rajendranath Reddy to take action on the complaint given by AP State Mahila Commission chairperson, Vasireddy Padma.

Anitha said that Vasireddy Padma had met the DGP and lodged a complaint against the social media posts on Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy’s wife Bharathi. She wondered why Padma needed to be the chairperson of the Women Commission to lodge complaints in favour of the chief minister’s wife. She said that Padma had downgraded her position by this act.

She said that when the women commission chairperson was going to meet the DGP, we thought that she would discuss issues of protection to women in the state. But, she had disappointed everyone by giving a complaint to the DGP on behalf of the chief minister’s wife, Anitha said.

A YSRCP activist resorted to sexual harassment against a six-year old girl and the Mahila Commission chairperson did not raise this issue before the DGP, Anitha pointed out. According to the report of the National Crime Records, atrocities against women in the State are very high and at least 17,000 women fell victim to this kind of molestation, she stated.

Is it not shameful that she did not make any complaint on these issues but only pointed out the trivial issue of some posts on the Chief Minister’s wife, the TDP leader asked. “The Mahila Commission chairperson, who should discharge her duties above any political considerations, is unethically supporting a particular political outfit”, Anitha maintained.

Why is she silent when some highly objectionable comments were made against Bhuvaneswari, the daughter of the late NT Rama Rao, she questioned. When the former minister, Kodali Nani, made some offensive remarks against women, Padma did not respond though several women in different parts of the State approached the police, she stated.

“We will not remain silent if such a situation continues and the prestige of women is degraded. The ruling party leaders, including the Chief Minister, do not dare to face the public without tight security,” the TDP leader stated.

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Set up team to probe crimes against women in Andhra: TDP to NCW


Telugu Desam Party (TDP) state woman wing chief, Vangalapudi Anitha, has asked the National Commission for Women (NCW) to constitute a team to inquire into the alleged rising attacks on women.

“Take cognizance of the attacks against women and constitute a team for inquiring into increase in attacks on them in Andhra Pradesh,” Anitha wrote to NCW Chairperson Rekha Sharma, as per a letter shared with the media on Friday.

She said immediate action by the NCWwould not only instill confidence among women but also help in reducing attacks against them.

According to Anitha, the ruling YSRCP government is exhibiting lukewarm response to these crimes, leading to more culprits perpetrating crime against women.

“The YSRCP government is trying to keep the people of Andhra Pradesh under illusion through campaigning in the name of Disha Act, Disha police stations, Disha mobile vehicles and Disha app,” she alleged.

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This woman politico is winning the world, but failing at home!


When a politician grows in stature in the party, one expects her to become stronger in her own constituency. But the reverse seems to be happening for Telugu Mahila chief and TDP’s woman face Vangalapudi Anita. While her importance in the party is rising, her graph in the constituency doesn’t appear to be growing correspondingly.

Vangalapudi Anitha was an MLA from Payakaraopet and defeated YSRCP biggie Babu Rao. She was hyper active in the assembly and had a famous spat with actress-politician Roja in the assembly that led to the latter’s suspension for one year. Anitha was the most vocal female leader who took on the YSRCP during 2014-2019. An impressed Chandrababu had even nominated her to the TTD board. However, she could not take oath after a video where she claimed herself to be a follower of Jesus Christ surfaced.

Despite all this, she had clearly failed to take along the party cadre in Payakaraopet. By the 2019 elections, there was massive resentment against her in Payakaraopet. So, Chandrababu shifted her to Kovvur constituency in West Godavari district. But, she lost badly in the elections.

Post 2019 debacle, Chandrababu made her the chief of Telugu Mahila, the TDP woman wing. She shot into prominence by filing cases on the harassment of government doctor Sudhakar and the government atrocities against women protesters of Amaravati. She is also strongly defending the TDP in TV debates.

Despite all these, her position in the home turf of Payakaraopet is still tenuous. She is not getting any support from the local cadre. What more, the same set of leaders, who had opposed her in 2019, are ruling the roost even now in the constituency. They are determined not to allow her to become the candidate in 2024.

What is more worrisome for Anitha is that even party chief Chandrababu Naidu has not taken a final decision on her position in Payakaraopet. Though Anitha has been asking to be made incharge of Payakaraopet, Chandrababu is still dilly dallying.

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No protection to women under YCP chaotic rule: Anita


Telugu Mahila State President and former MLA Vangalapudi Anita on Wednesday criticised the ruling YCP leaders for continuing their ‘misrule and atrocities’ against all sections of people including women for over a year. She termed it as very heinous that there was no prompt action when an oppressive attack was made on a tourism woman employee in Nellore town. Andhra Pradesh Women’s Commission did not respond till after the videos concerned went viral in social media.

The TDP leader said that the Home Minister and Women’s Commission Chairperson were not at all responding when such attacks and atrocities were being perpetrated against women. Till now, over 400 attacks were made on women all over the State in the last 13 months of YCP rule. When the Opposition were exposing these atrocities, the ruling party was filing false cases and making arrests to create a fear among the rivals.

The ex MLA deplored that there was no action when Dr Anita Rani was humiliated and attacked in Chittoor district. The YCP leaders were playing games with the lives of women while the police were merely acting like the ruling party activists. CM Jagan Reddy has promised to provide Rs. 2,000 cr for the Kapu Corporation every year but after coming to power, not a single rupee was given till now. The YCP Government has not given any funds for creating educational, self-employment and job opportunities for aspiring Kapu students. Jagan Reddy has no moral right to deny the Kapu reservations that Chandrababu Naidu has given.

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MLA Anitha’s Husaband Arrested


Telugu Desam Party Payakaraopeta MLA Vangalapudi Anita’s husband K Sivaprasad was arrested by the Vizag III town police station on Sunday night following a complaint from the MLA herself.

The MLA lodged a complaint at the police station, in which she married Sivaprasad about fourteen year ago, Saturday stating that Sivaprasada had been harassing her and her children. She said her husband tried to steal some important documents from home when she was not home. She stated that one of her employees informed about her husband’s suspicious search in the House and she rushed back home to stop him from taking the documents. He also alleged that Sivaprasad tried to take away her son and daughter forcefully.

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