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Yanamala writes to Naidu on state finances


Senior TDP leader and former finance minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Monday wrote a letter to chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu on state financial position. He suggested to the government to enforce the Revenue Recovery Act or any equalant Act to recover the money from the previous YSR Congress government and its leaders.

Yanamala alleged that the previous government had looted the state economy. An enquiry is required to look into the financial activities of the previous government, he said. He wanted the present government to initiate the recovery process through the Revenue Recovery Act.

He complimented the initiatives of the present government under the leadership of chief minister Chandrababu Naidu. However, he wanted strong measures to be taken to strengthen the state economy. He wanted the chief minister to take stringent measures to correct the mistakes of the previous government.

He wanted the state government to approach the Centre for more tax revenue to the state. He also wanted the state to get more grant-in-aid from the center. He also suggested that the state government should use ways and means overdraft judiciously.

He also suggested that the government should bring down the capital expenditure and ensure that the welfare schemes are given only to the eligible. He wanted the government to be cautious on fixing eligibility for every scheme.

Yanamala aske3d the government to strictly implement the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management (FRMB) norms and control the wastage of money. He said that by following the FRMB rules, the state government can bring down the expenditure in future and thus reduce the burden on the state government.

He also sought to advise the chief minister to take steps to curb corruption at every level. He said that corruption is one of the reasons for the financial instability. He wanted the chief minister to take steps to control and curb corruption at all levels.

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Manifesto will be implemented in toto, says Yanamala


The election manifesto of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has already got total public acceptance and all the political parties in the State, except the YSRCP, are appreciating it, said TDP politburo member and Leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu.

Addressing the media persons through zoom, Yanamala said that all the schemes mentioned in the manifesto will be implemented totally which will help all sections of people to progress well. The people’s manifesto has been formulated to take the State in a developing path as Andhra Pradesh has been totally destroyed by the present YSRCP Government, Yanamala observed.

Expressing concern that the State is now under a whopping Rs 14 lakh cr debts, the TDP politburo member made it clear that the coming NDA government will implement every scheme mentioned in the manifesto. “We will create assets and with the revenue generated from these properties the schemes will be implemented. I think this will clarify the doubts being expressed by some persons on how the coming government will implement so many schemes as the State is in neck-deep of debts,” Yanamala stated.

Also, if the available natural resources are properly utilised the State Government will get a lot of revenue and the income now being diverted to private persons should also be added to the treasury, Yanamala felt and stated that the present YSRCP Government has miserably failed in this. This apart, this Government, in the name of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), has misused a lot of funds like appointing several advisors which is a sheer wastage of funds, he added.

The coming TDP allied NDA government will certainly avoid such wastage of funds, the TDP politburo member declared. Regretting that the State revenue has come down drastically because of the looting by Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, and his ‘J’ gang, he said that this will certainly be rectified. The Andhra Pradesh Government has touched the lowest level even in tax GST ration too, Yanamala said and stated that the one-tax revenue too has not grown.

Immediately after the NDA forms the coming government steps will be initiated to take up the one-tax revenue without revising the taxes but utilising all the available resources, he said. The economic growth rate during the TDP regime was in double digit but now this YSRCP Government has brought it down to single digit, he said and maintained that soon after the NDA is into power measures will be initiated to take it again to double digit.

There has been no development in the State for the past five years and this Government could not take steps even to fill the potholes on roads in any part of the State, Yanamala remarked. If there is no development there will be no revenue and the NDA government will take the State on the progressive path, he said.

Yanamala expressed confidence that with this manifesto all sections of people will get benefits and the youth will get employment besides controlling the prices of all commodities. He is of the opinion that rural economy is crucial for development of the State, he said that the agro industries have been hit hard during the YSRCP rule.

The TDP politburo member felt an immediate need to develop the cooperative system along with other sectors like horticulture, acqua and livestock. This apart, the industrial sector too suffered heavily in these five years and it has been pushed into negative growth and there is every need to set this right, he said.

The manifesto has been designed keeping in view the poor and the youth, Yanamala said, adding that if industries are set up in the State, employment will be generated and once the youth get jobs the State revenue too will grow. Reiterating that all the issues mentioned in the manifesto will be implemented, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu said that development will be given top priority to increase the State revenue and to provide employment to the youth besides taking care of every section of people.

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State is in doldrums with Jagan’s destructive economic policies, says Yanamala


With the six destructive economic policies – bad debt, high inflation, high unemployment, high deficits, system collapse – Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has completely ruined the State, observed former Finance minister and leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Friday.

Ramakrishnudu said that Jagan has looted the natural resources in the State as part of his policy to ransack Andhra Pradesh. The Chief Minister has robbed a whopping Rs 6 lakh cr in the past five years, he said and expressed concern that the inflation rate which should not exceed two to three per cent has now touched an alarming 8.5 per cent while the unemployment rate is 24 per cent.

The budgetary deficit which was Rs 35,467 cr in 20018-19 has reached Rs 52,508 cr by 2022-23 while the revenue deficit which was Rs 13,899 cr in 2018-19 has gone up to Rs 43,487 cr by 2022-23, Ramakrishnudu said. The YSRCP Government is not revealing the facts on the actual financial position of the State but is trying to mislead the people by making false statements on the floor of the Assembly, the former Finance minister felt.

The budgetary estimates which generally get the nod of the Legislature do not have any value in the Jagan Reddy rule, he felt. Minister for Finance, Buggana Rajendranath Reddy, has kept as secret even on the loans raised during the 2022-23 fiscal, the TDP politburo member stated. Pointing out that at least Rs one lakh cr has been raised as non-budgetary loans in this year alone, he said that in the past five years a whopping Rs 5 lakh cr has been borrowed under this category.

The whole financial year of 2022-23 was run completely on debts raised from the RBI, Ramakrishnudu said over draft has been raised for 152 days in this fiscal. Ramakrishnudu demanded an explanation from the State Government on what happened to the Rs 1,18,039 cr raised as loan from the RBI in the 2022-23 fiscal. Corporation loans are now Rs 5 lakh cr, he said and stated that the details on how this money is spent are not provided even to the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG).

Observing that both the RBI and the Centre have already cautioned the State Government on going for such huge loans, Ramakrishnudu said that the RBI has even told the nationalised banks to be cautious while granting loans to the State Government. Despite having raised such a huge amount of loans there is no development in the State, the leader of the Opposition in the Upper House said.

The State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) was Rs 11,22,837 cr and this Government has given false information that the SGST has gone up to 13,17,728 cr in the 2022-23 fiscal, he said. When the funds allocated as per the budgetary estimates are not spent how the SGST will grow and how the average revenue will increase, Ramakriushnudu asked.

In the budget speech it is wrongly projected that the poverty has gone down, Ramakrishnudu said and pointed out that in the Human Development Index the State stood at 20th position. “The other Southern States like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala are far ahead of us in poverty eradication and even the neighbouring Telangana State which has less resources than us is ahead of us,” Ramakrishnu maintained.

Even for Aarogyasri, dues amounting to Rs 1200 cr are pending clearance, the former Finance minister said and asked is this the poverty eradication which Jagan has been claiming.

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Silent revolution in State will soon come into open, feels Yanamala


Leader of the Opposition in the State Legislative Council and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrsihnudu, felt that the silent revolution that the State has been witnessing since long will soon turn into open rebellion.

Initially, it was the Member of Parliament (MP) of his own party, Raghu Ramakrishnam Raju, came out openly on the inefficiency of Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, but later his own party MLAs revolted against him, said Ramakrishnudu in a press note released here on Tuesday. Even grassroot level leaders like sarpanches and the members of the MPPs too began raising their voice, he said.

Of late, with the decision to replace the sitting MLAs, the MLAs and the Ministers too began revolting against Jagan, the former Finance minister said. This apart, with the atrocities that the State has been witnessing for the past four-and-half years, the steep hike in prices of essentials, sand and liquor mafias ruling the roost, are forcing the common man to speak loud and clear, Ramakrishnudu said.

The Anganwadi employees, Asha workers, volunteers and the civic staff members too have come onto the roads as the Chief Minister did not fulfill the promises made to them, the TDP politburo member stated. The Anganwadis are on the agitational path as Jagan failed to fulfill the promise that he made to them that their wages will be higher than their counterparts in the neighbouring State of Telangana.

While the wages of the Anganwadis was revised from Rs 4,200 to Rs 10,500 per month during the TDP regime, now their wages are only Rs 11,500 while their counterparts in Telangana are getting Rs 13,500 per month, he pointed out.

The volunteers too have already served strike notice as the promise made to them that 2.3 lakh job vacancies will be filled but they are now being paid a mere Rs 5,000 per month, he said. Their revolt against the ruling dispensation laid the foundation for the resounding success of Yuva Galam pada yatra of TDP general secretary, Nara Lokesh, he noted.

The civic employees too are on an agitational path demanding that their wages be increased to Rs 26,000 per month as promised that equal pay for equal work. Asha workers are also getting ready for an indefinite strike demanding minimum wages, retirement benefits and sanction of leaves like government employees, Yanamala pointed out.

Farmers from Amaravathi have been on a warpath since long demanding that Amaravathi be retained as the capital. Those who sailed along with Jagan since the YSRCP’s inception too feel deceived and have come onto the roads, he said and pointed out that ruling party MLA, Alla Ramakrishna Reddy, has resigned to the party admitting the fact that he blocked development in his own segment only for the benefit of Jagan.

Former minister, Daggubati Venkateswa Rao, too has come out openly that he is saved by getting defeated in the last elections, Yanamala said, adding that SC, ST and minorities too are on the agitational path as the sub-plan funds amounting to Rs 1.14 lakh cr have been diverted and illegal cases are being foiseted against them. Jagan, who came to power by promising total prohibition has swallowed at least Rs one lakh cr by selling spurious liquor worth Rs 2 lakh cr which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent persons, he regretted.

At least Rs 58,000 cr additional burden is imposed on power consumers by revising the energy charges eight times, he said. Jagan, who promised to complete all the irrigation projects did not complete even a single project till now, the former minister said and stated that on top of it he has caused damage to Annamayya project, Polavaram and other projects.

In the name of better sand policy, the Chief Minister encouraged the mafia thus looting thousands of crores while in case of pension for BC, SC, ST and minority women he has taken a ‘U’ turn without fulfilling the promise of payment of pension for all those who have completed the age of 45 years. The youth is raising its voice on the increasing unemployment rate as industries have been chased out and left the assurance given to the people that he would get the Special Category Status for the State, Ramakrsihnudu observed in the press note.

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Jagan miserably failed to take preventive measures on Michaung cyclone, says Yanamala


TDP politburo member and Leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Wednesday said that Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has miserably failed in taking the preventive measures to overcome the cyclone effect on the State.

Though the standing crop got damaged in lakhs of acres due to the ongoing storm the Chief Minister did not come out of his Tadepalle palace, Ramakrishnudu said in a press note released here. Despite enough caution for almost a week before the cyclone hit the State, Jagan did not alert the official circles and did not supply even food, water and other essentials to the affected people, he added.

Jagan simply washed off his hands by simply conducting a routine review meeting, the TDP politburo member said and expressed serious concern that the people in the cyclone-hit areas are spending time under constant fear. Neither the Minister for Agriculture nor the Minister for Irrigation is worried about the problems being faced by the farmers due to the cyclonic storm, he felt.

Regretting that standing crop in lakhs of acres in the State is affected by the Michaung cyclone, Ramakrishnudu said and stated that as per the preliminary estimates farm products to the tune of Rs 7,000 cr are damaged. The farmers, particularly the paddy cultivators, are in deep distress while tobacco, cotton, chilli, ground-nut and other crops too got totally damaged due to the cyclone in at least eight districts in the State, the TDP politburo member said.

The inefficiency of the Jagan Government reflects from the fact that only a single packet of food is supplied to every family in the flood-hit areas while no efforts have been taken in many places to shift the cyclone-hit to the rehabilitation centres. Even power was not restored and tarpaulins and gunny bags too are not supplied to the farmers, he added.

Instead of alerting people from village to State level, Jagan is taking rest at his palace throwing the people in the lurch. Ramakrishnudu demanded that the State Government at least get alerted now to come to the rescue of the affected people and pay necessary compensation for those who suffered crop loss. The Government should purchase the damaged farm products, he added.

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Jagan should take responsibility for fund loss to AP, says Yanamala


The Jagan Mohan Reddy Government is doing great injustice to the downtrodden sections of society by diverting the Central funds released for the welfare and development of these sections, said former minister for Finance and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Tuesday.

Ramakrishnudu said that the Central funds are being diverted by the State Government for corruption and wasteful expenditure thus doing injustice to the underprivileged sections of society. The State had to suffer a loss of thousands of crores in the past four years as the ruling dispensation has not released the matching grant for over 94 Centrally sponsored schemes affecting the development of the downtrodden sections, he said.

Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has been continuing his maladministration with his sole agenda of diverting the Central funds for farming to health sector and industry to irrigation sectors, Ramakrishnudu said. In four years, a whopping Rs 71,449 cr has been diverted within minutes of releasing these funds by the Centre thus resorting to large scale corruption and irregularities, he stated.

Except for selling government assets, imposing heavy financial burden on the people and raising loans at a heavy interest rate, Jagan is continuing his rule with no mention of development and welfare, the TDP politburo member observed. The people are falling victim to the conspiracies of Jagan who is keeping as a secret that several schemes for education and health sectors besides pensions are being implemented with the Central funds, he said.

The Centre has withheld release of Rs 6,000 cr as the Jagan Government did not mend its ways despite the Centre sending a letter raising objections to the inclusion of Jagan and YSR names in front of every government scheme, Yanamala said and felt that Jagan should take the responsibility for this. The Jagan Reddy Government is spending huge amounts of public funds for personal campaigning, he stated.

Observing that Jagan is squarely responsible for withholding of Rs 4,000 cr capital expenditure, Ramakrishnudu pointed out that the Chief Minister has diverted Rs 3,084 cr sanctioned by the Centre for building houses for the poor. On the one side the promise of building five lakh housing units per year has not been fulfilled and on the other the State Government is diverting the funds being released by the Centre for houses construction, he said.

Is it not a fact that the drought relief of Rs 900 cr released by the Centre is not distributed to the farmers, the former Finance minister asked. The Rs 8.60 cr funds allocated by the 14th and 15th Finance Commission for the development of the panchayats has been embezzled by misusing the digital key of the sarpanches, Ramakrsihnudu said in the press note.

Are the YSRCP seniors not aware that diverting the funds from panchayat accounts is illegal, the TDP politburo member asked and felt that all the panchayats got totally unnerved with the actions of the State Government. They reduced the condition of the panchayats wherein they are unable to pay even the drinking water and sanitation bills, he regretted.

The rural areas are no exception as the funds being released by the Centre for the villages development under the Employment Guarantee Scheme are also diverted thus doing great injustice to rural areas too, he felt. This has resulted in lakhs of people from different villages migrating to various places in the past four years as Rs 7,879 cr Central funds have been diverted, Ramakrishnudu noted.

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Removing disparities in society is on top of mini-manifesto of TDP-Jana Sena, says Yanamala


Removing disparities in society is on top of the combined mini-manifesto of the TDP and the Jana Sena, said former minister and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrsihnudu, on Monday.

Briefing media persons after the combined meeting of the manifesto committees of both the TDP and the Jana Sena, Ramakrsihnudu said that Monday’s meeting is only a preliminary one. Pointing out that the TDP has already released its mini-manifesto in the name of ‘Babu Surety-Bhavishyathuku Guarantee’ (Babu surety is guarantee for the future), the TDP politburo member said that the TDP is already on the campaign on Super Six in this manifesto.

Making it clear that the TDP and the Jana Sena alliance has been finalised, Ramakrishnudu said that the TDP and the Jana Sena proposed six points each to be included into the manifesto. “Combining both we have prepared the mini-manifesto and it will be sent for the approval of the committee,” he added.

Expressing confidence that all these points will be useful for the people, Ramakrsishunudu made it clear that the main aim of both the parties is removal of disparities in society, financial system should be improved, better welfare for farmers and people in all walks of life should become stronger. This is the reason Rs 15,000 financial assistance for each child under Talliki Vandanam per annum has been proposed, each girl who attained 18 years of age will get Rs 1500 per month under Aada Bidda Nidhi and three free cylinders for every family per year under Deepam scheme besides free bus travel facility for women, he explained.

Also, 20 lakh youth will be provided employment opportunities under Yuva Galam, Rs 3,000 to be paid per month as unemployment allowance for every jobless youth till he or she gets employment, Yanamala said. The proposals made by the Jana Sena like 20 per cent subsidy to small and medium industries besides Ankura industries amounting to Rs 10 lakh maximum, has been accepted and included in the manifesto.

Farmers and tenant farmers will get Rs 20,000 financial assistance every year and aqua farming, horticulture will be encouraged through extending subsidies, Ramakrsihnudu said. Each house will be provided safe drinking water connection under Intintiki Manchi Neeru scheme and a legislation will be enacted for the safety and security of Backward Classes (BCs), he said.

Keeping in view the welfare of the common man, taxes on all commodities, including power, will be brought down and basic amenities will be provided, Yanamala said, adding that steps will be taken to improve the State’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Through the Poor-to-Rich scheme the P4 (public, private, people partnership) will be implemented to make the poor rich with the aim of achieving at least double income in five years.

Declaring Amaravathi as the capital, all the regions in the State will be developed while continuing the construction of the people’s capital of Amaravathi, the former minister for Finance noted. The manifesto aims at realising the dream of the poor to own a house and also coming to the rescue of the construction industry besides revising the minimum wages for the welfare of the workers, he added.

The Monday’s meeting resolved to check migrations, Yanamala said and felt that inclusive growth is necessary now. He felt an immediate need to remove the imbalances as poverty and disparities are on the rise.

Jana Sena member of the committee, Mutha Sasidhar, said that the meeting is conducted under a friendly atmosphere. When Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, has been claiming ‘why not 175’, the people are making fun of him and are now repenting as to why they have given 151 seats for him in the last elections, he said.

Jagan is taking the people for a ride by saying that all the promises made to them have been fulfilled, Sasidhar said, adding that the Jana Sena made six proposals which have been made on the appeals received when Jana Sena chief, Pawan Kalyan, has taken part in various programmes in the State.

The Jana Sena resolved that Amaravathi will continue to be the capital of the State, he said and stated that providing employment to the construction workers, transforming the jobless youth as industrialists through Sowbhagya Padham scheme, improving the financial condition of the farmers and tenant farmers by encouraging farming, ‘Our Andhra Pradesh-Our Jobs’ have been suggested by the Jana Sena which are included in the manifesto.

Regretting that all sections of youth are now the suffered in the YSRCP rule as there are no employment opportunities, Sasidhar said that all the issues that are finalised on Monday will be sent to Pawan Kalyan and the chairman of Political Affairs Committee of the party, Nadendla Manohar.

“We are going to promise the youth a much better future for them and the main manifesto will be formulated keeping in view the welfare of all sections of society,” Sasidhar observed. Besides Ramakrishnudu, P Ashok Babu and Kommareddy Pattabhiram participated in the meeting on behalf of the TDP while D Vara Prasad, Prof K Sarath Kumar and Mutha Sasidhar were present for the Jana Sena.

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Jagan Govt going for massive debts only to loot State: Yanamala


Former minister for Finance and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, is of the firm opinion that the State Government is raising large scale debts only to loot the State and the ruling party has already pushed Andhra Pradesh into severe financial crisis.

Ramakrsihnudu said that the State Government has not taken any corrective measures despite the Opposition parties having been sending warning signals for the past four years that the State is moving into classic debt trap. Minister for Finance, Buggana Rajendranath, without assessing the actual situation, has been uttering blatant lies, he stated.

Though organisations like the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) and the Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL) have been sending strong signals, the State Government has been resorting to a misinformation campaign, Ramakrishnudu said. The chief economist of Deutsche Bank, Kaushik Das, in his report submitted in August this year has made it clear that the State’s financial condition has fallen from eighth place to 11th while the CRISIL too has brought down the price of Amaravathi bonds on Friday with remarks that the State is now surviving on borrowings and overdrafts, Yanamala pointed out.

“This poor condition of the State is merely due to the looting of Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, and wastage of the funds,” Ramakrishnudu noted. The State Government is not revealing even to the CAG the details of the debts raised from various corporations with government guarantee and also how much the State is utilising from the public accounts, he added.

After the State’s formation never such conspiratorial statistics have been witnessed and the YSRCP Government is shamelessly publicising through books on gross domestic product, per capita income and the debt burden, the former minister for Finance felt. The growth rate achieved during the TDP regime was totally manipulated to display a better growth rate during 2019-20, he said.

While releasing the economic survey for 2018-19 fiscal, the gross domestic product (GDP) was displayed as 11.02 per cent with Rs 6,80,332 cr but in the 2019-20 economic survey the GDP is reduced to Rs 6,21,301 cr which amounts to only 4.45 per cent, he pointed out. The whole country, including the State, recorded a negative growth rate due to Covid pandemic but the YSRCP Government is projecting that the State stood in third position in fish export worth Rs 40,000 cr, Yanamala said.

Observing that there is no response from the State Government though it has been demanded that a white paper be published on the economic condition of the State and for the invitation for an open debate, Ramakrishnudu said and added that the SC, ST, BC and minority communities are the worst-hit with this atrocious rule of the YSRCP.

To repay the debts and the interest funds are being diverted and the prices of all commodities are hiked steeply thus doing great injustice to all sections. The common man has lost the purchasing power and there is no development whatsoever in the State in the past four years, Ramakrishnudu maintained.

Stating that due to the faulty policies of the Jagan Reddy Government each SC, ST, BC and minority family has a financial burden of Rs 2,79,136, Ramakrishnudu said and maintained that the Jagan gang is trying to grab 14 lakh acres of assigned lands.

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Govt’s functioning indicates threat to Naidu’s life, says Yanamala


The style of functioning of the ruling party clearly indicates threat to the life of former chief minister and TDP supremo, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, inside the Rajamahendravaram Central Jail, observed TDP politburo member and Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Friday.

Pointing out that Chandrababu has personally written a letter to the ACB court judge that there is no safety for him inside the Rajamahendravaram Central Jail, Ramakrishnudu told media persons at the party headquarters. He said that the judge should immediately examine whether the State Government has made necessary security arrangements for Chandrababu inside the jail. Ramakrinudu asked as to why the State Government has till now not ordered any kind of inquiry into the incidents in which drones moved around the jail.

“It is better to say that Chandrababu is under the custody of the State Government than inside the jail,” the TDP politburo member felt. Stating that advisor to the Government, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy, has been supervising all the issues ever since Chandrababu has been sent to jail, the Leader of the Opposition in the Upper House said that Ramakrishna Reddy has been issuing all kinds of directions to the jail officials, doctors and others.

Ramakrishnudu asked as to why the doctors are not making the health condition of Chandrababu public daily after conducting medical tests. He expressed surprise that the original reports submitted by the doctors are not being released to the media but the reports certified by the jailer are being produced.

The TDP politburo member is of the strong opinion that the Skill Development project case is a totally false one and sending Naidu illegally to jail in this case is nothing but a political vendetta. People have already realised this fact, he added.

Knowing pretty well that Chandrababu did not commit any kind of crime in the Skill Development case, he has been sent to jail only to seriously damage his health and to prevent him from reaching the people, Yanamala felt. As the Government has till now not taken any measures on the safety and security of Chandrababu and this clearly reflects the fact that the State Government is directly targeting him, he stated.

The main target of Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, is to face the next elections without any Opposition party, like how it has happened in Cambodia earlier, he remarked. For reasons best known, Jagan Mohan Reddy could not digest the massive public response to Naidu, he maintained. “How a person, who killed his own paternal uncle for the sake of power, can care for the Opposition parties and the senior leaders,” Ramakrishnudu remarked.

Those who have earlier claimed thousands of crores of scam in the Skill Development project and Chandrababu is directly involved in it are now projecting the membership subscription amount of the TDP activists as the money involved in this scam, Yanamala noted. The industrial sector which was totally dependent on human intelligence is now banking on artificial intelligence and the Skill Development Corporation was set up keeping in view this issue, he stated.

Ramakrishnudu demanded that enough security be provided to Naidu at the earliest possible time and said that quality medical facilities be arranged for him.

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Why so many farmers committed suicide, asks Yanamala


Leader of the Opposition in the State Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Saturday asked as to why the farmers suicides have gone up in the past four years if Rs 1,70,769 lakh cr is distributed to the farming community as is claimed by Cheif Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy.

In a press note released here, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu also asked why the farmers are in neck-deep of debts if the amount has been distributed to them. “Is it not your failure that there is fall of four lakh tonnes in food grain production,” Yanama questioned. The ground-nut production has come down, he said, adding that as a whole agricultural sector has been pushed into a deep crisis while the aqua culture has come down drastically.

Expressing the opinion that Andhra Pradesh is running in the race of total lies, Ramakrishunudu said that the Chief Minister and his Cabinet colleagues are vying with one another in issuing statements. It is really atrocious that the public money is wasted in the name of father’s birth anniversary celebrations, he felt.

Maintaining that not only Jagan is uttering blatant lies but also forcing his Cabinet colleagues and the senior officers to tell the people total lies, the Leader of the Opposition in the Upper House remarked. There is no input subsidy or ex-gratia for natural disasters or even crop insurance, he stated that the farmers are not getting even a single rupee relief from the Government.

Jagan has stooped so low and has taken the State to the rock-bottom level, Ramakrishnudu said. The Chief Minister is playing with the lives of the farmers and the poor, the senior TDP leader said. Yanamala is of the opinion that already anti-incumbency is at its peak and the voters are eagerly waiting for the elections to come to send Jagan home.

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How progress in farming is possible when yield is very low, asks Yanamala


Former Finance minister and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Saturday asked Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, to answer as to how progress in farming is possible when the yield is so low.

In a video released to the media, Ramakrishnudu expressed surprise how Jagan Mohan Reddy can claim when he was releasing Rythu Bharosa that the yield of food grains has gone up by 12 lakh tonnes this year. ”It is nothing but cheating the people,” Yanamala felt and stated that the fact is that food grains yield this year has fallen drastically.

He asked why Mr Jagan resorted to issuing such false statements. Farming sector in the past four years has been in doldrums and has been running in total loss, Ramakrishnudu stated.

Farmers are not getting a minimum support price for any product, the former Finance minister said, adding that crop holidays have been declared both for Kharif and Rabi. Hence, it appears that Jagan Mohan Reddy has issued the statement only to win the confidence of farmers, Yanamala felt.

Observing that the TDP strongly condemns the statement of Jagan, he said that productivity is moving in the reverse direction. It is now clear that Jagan is not giving the facts with regard to the farming sector, Yanamala noted.

Stating that even the input subsidy is not being paid for the farmers who suffered losses in agriculture, the TDP politburo member said that the farm products are being looted by millers and the officials. The farmer is in deep trouble, he said, adding that this is clearly visible in rural areas.

Giving the details of the farm products in the past four years, Ramakrishnudu stated that these are the statistics revealed in the socio-economic survey. At least 73 per cent of the population in the State has no revenue since agro economy is seriously hit and the farmers are facing serious problems, Ramakrishnudu observed. The facts clearly reflect that Jagan is giving false information, he added.

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State’s debt burden crossed Rs 12.5 lakh cr, says Yanamala


Former finance minister and TDP leader, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Monday expressed surprise as to why either the Centre or the RBI were not taking it seriously when the State’s total debt burden has crossed a whooping Rs 12.50 lakh cr.

“The State has totally collapsed after Jagan Mohan Reddy has become the Chief Minister and the people have never witnessed such a dire situation,” Ramakrishnudu told media persons. Still, why is either the Centre or the RBI not taking the situation seriously, the former Finance minister asked.

Observing that the YSRCP Government not only created problems for the people of the State but also crippled the whole economy, Yanamala felt that Jagan has the credit of pushing the economy to the lowest level. Expressing serious concern that every individual carries Rs 5.5 lakh debt on his or her head now, he said that by March 2024, the outstanding debts will go up much further.

Despite all this, the RBI is according permissions to the State to borrow more funds and the people in the coming days will be facing a massive burden of Rs 15,000 cr in the shape of revision of RTC and power charges and to meet the daily needs, Ramakrishnudu maintained.

Though the State Government has been claiming that thousands of crores are being spent for welfare schemes, the report of the CAG says that the funds are not reaching completely to the beneficiaries, he pointed out.

By that time the YSRCP Government completes its five-year term, the funds spent on the welfare schemes alone reachesn Rs 2.70 lakh cr, he said adding that the financial imbalances are increasing by the day. The CAG has clearly mentioned in its report that Rs 48,000 cr has been misused in the 2019-20 fiscal while there are no accounts for Rs one lakh cr in the financial year of 2020-21, he stated.

The CAG also mentioned in its report for 2021-22 that accounts for 1,18,000 cr have not been shown, Yanamala said and asked what the State Government is doing with these funds without giving the details of the accounts. This clearly indicates that these funds worth lakhs of crores are being diverted, the former Finance minister said and expressed concern that in the coming days the interest on these loans itself will be in lakhs of crores per annum.

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Budgetary allocations, expenses at grassroots have no comparison, says Yanamala


How development of the State is possible when the borrowed funds are diverted, asked former Finance minister and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, here on Friday.

Talking to media persons at the party headquarters, Ramakrishnudu felt that there is absolutely no comparison between the budgetary allocations and the actual expenditure at the ground-level. The former Finance minister made it clear that the State stood in 19th position in the country in the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme which the Jagan Mohan Reddy Government boasts of.

Making it clear that there is nothing great in the 2023-24 budgetary proposals, Yanalama felt that even in the last fiscal too the State Government has not given any priority for welfare and development. Terming Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, as a king worse than Nero, the TDP politburo member predicts that the State’s debt burden will cross Rs 11 lakh cr by that time the YSRCP Government is out.

“Ultimately, the people have to bear this debt burden and the interest to be paid. The budgetary proposals clearly indicate that the Jagan Government did not give any preference for development and welfare even in its last year of tenure,” Ramakriashnu observed.

He opined that the physical infrastructure in the State is hit badly as the State Government is projecting high allocation of budgetary estimates while in reality the expenditure is very limited. The academic and health sectors were totally destroyed during the YSRCP rule and the hospitals are not extending medical services to the poor as the bills are not being paid, he stated.

Since all the revenue generation sectors are badly affected and the investors are not willing to set up their units in the State, unemployment has gone up heavily, Yanamala felt. The State Government policies are the main reason for the farming, industrial and service sectors being affected very badly, the former Finance minister maintained.

“Compared to the TDP regime, the percentage of the manufacturing sector now is -4.5 while the percentage of the construction sector is -2.6,” he said, adding that the industrial and service sectors too are hot very badly after the YSRCP came to power.

Yanamala expressed surprise how new companies can start their units in the State when incentives are not being given to the existing companies.

Replying to media persons, Ramakrishnudu said that the results of the Legislative Council polls proved that Mr Jagan has done injustice to the State. “Jagan is totally dependent on money, politics and muscle power. The latest election results proved beyond doubt that these two will not work out,” Ramakrishnudu remarked.

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Jagan Govt has no respect for systems, says Yanamala


TDP politburo member and leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Wednesday said that the Jagan Mohan Reddy Government does not have any respect for systems in the State.

Ramakrishnudu said that the State Government does not have respect even for Parliamentary system or even on the Constitution. Observing that the three capitals bill is totally against the Constitutional provisions, the Leader of Opposition in the Upper House said that the Cabinet Ministers give totally contradictory statements on the capital.

“One Minister says that Visakhapatnam is the capital while another Minister claims that the three capitals issue still in existence,” Yanamala remarked. The State Government is repeatedly committing blunders to cover up one mistake and the Ministers are behaving most irresponsibly, he observed.

Stating that the gap in the revenue and fiscal deficit have widened, the former Finance minister felt that the remarks made by officials that they faced fiscal problems in 2014 too are really surprising.

Ramakrishnudu asked as to why the State Government is silent though the TDP asked two to three times to come for an open debate on the State’s financial position. Can the State Government give a proper reply as to why more loans have been raised than presented in the budgetary estimates, Yanamala questioned the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO).

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Jagan turned into a comedy piece, says Yanamala


Former Finance minister and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakerishnudu, on Thursday pointed out that State Minister for Finance, Buggana Rajendranath, praised the union budgetary proposals submitted to Parliament on Wednesday, his party MP, Midhun Reddy, said that it is totally disappointing.

Yanamala expressed surprise as to why the 32 YSRCP MPs are silent on Special Category Status for the State and the negligence on Polavaram project. He is of the opinion that Jagan Mohan Reddy turned into a comedy Chief minister by making false claims that the State stood on top in GSDP by achieving 11.43 per cent growth.

Asking Jagan whether he knows what GSDP is, the former Finance minister said that the Chief Minister is moving in a totally different direction than the whole country. Why the average revenue has come down in the past four years, he said and stated that the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) clearly exposed the Government’s failures.

Yanamala asked as to why the debt burden on the State has gone up to Rs 10 lakh cr in the past four years and why the State has fallen to 13th position in the country in foreign investments. Stating that the State achieved double digit growth during the TDP regime, he said that the State’s position has fallen to 13th and 19th after the YSRCP came to power.

Why an additional Rs 1.22 lakh cr was spent additionally in the past four years and what happened to the Rs 2 lakh cr off-budget borrowings, he asked. Whether any properties are created in the State with these funds, he questioned and felt that not even a single ongoing project was completed and even a single road was constructed.

How can the State compare itself with Kerala, he said and pointed out that Kerala is on top in the country in human resource development. Jagan could not answer the NITI Ayog and the Reserve NBank of India (RBI).

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Yanamala terms Jagan as a fraud who deceived youth


Former Finance minister and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakeshnudu, termed Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, as a fraud who took the youth in the State for a ride.

Ramakrishnudu, in a press note released here felt that the ruling YSRCP is only making attempts to cover up the anger that is growing among the youth. The former Finance minister is of the opinion that if any obstructions are created for the ‘Yuva Galam’, the pada yatra of TDP general secretary, Nara Lokesh, it amounts to blocking the future of the youth in the State.

” Jagan Mohan Reddy has made several promises to the youth while in Opposition but after coming to power he totally forgot these assurances given to them. Even the welfare of the youth and their future was completely given a goby,” Yanamala observed.

Jagan did not stand by his promise that he would release a job calendar every year to fill the vacant posts in various government departments, he said and asked what happened to the assurance given to the unemployed that three lakh vacancies would be filled.

Ramakrishnudu said that the youth, particularly those from the SC, ST and Minority sections, lost employment opportunities after Jagan came to power.

Maintaining that the youth were getting employment opportunities during the Chandrababu Naidu regime through certain special schemes, he said that Jagan discontinued all such schemes soon after coming to power.

“The Chief Minister even deceived the youth by not fulfilling his promise made to them that he would pay unemployment allowance,” Yanamala said.

These are the reasons as to why Lokesh is undertaking his pada yatra in the name of ‘Yuva Galam’ through which he is planning to have first-hand information on the problems that the unemployed youth are facing, Ramakrishnudu said. But Jagan and his gang are hatching a conspiracy only to create hurdles to the pada yatra and the release of the GO No-1 is only part of this plot, he felt.

“As the issue of the GO No-1 is pending before the High Court, now Jagan is making efforts to create obstructions to the pada yatra through the Director General of Police (DGP). The letter from the DGP is only part of this game,” he stated.

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Lokesh pada yatra will instil confidence among youth, says Yanamala


Former Finance minister and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Thursday expressed confidence that the upcoming pada yatra of TDP general secretary, Nara Lokesh, ‘Yuva Galam’ will certainly instill confidence among the youth in the State.

Calling upon the people to actively take part in the pada yatra, Ramakrishnudu, in a press note released here said that the 4000-km-long pada yatra which is beginning on January 27 will continue for 400 days. The TDP senior leader is confident that the ‘Yuva Galam’, which will end the atrocious rule of the YSRCP, will certainly create history in the State.

“I am sure that the pada yatra will play a major role in bringing back the TDP to power,” Yanamala said, adding that all the sections of people in the State suffered heavily in the past three years during the YSRCP regime.

The youth have no employment opportunities in the State throwing their future into oblivion and Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, who assured the unemployees a perfect job calendar while in Opposition, totally forgot his promise after coming to power, he said.

Even the unemployment allowance of Rs 3,000 per month extended during the TDP regime is also withdrawn deliberately as a vengeful attitude, Yanamala observed. Against this backdrop, the ‘Yuva Galam’ pada yatra will certainly bring back self-confidence among the youth and bring political awareness among them, he added.

The farmers too are unhappy as they are not getting the Minimum Support Price (MSP) for the farm products and not even a single industry was set up in the past three-and-half years in the State, Yanama remarked. Besides, those who have already set up their units in the State during the TDP rule, were chased out of the State by imposing ‘J’ tax on them, he noted.

The lifeline of the people of Andhra Pradesh, the Polavaram project, is deliberately neglected while the future of the capital, the Amaravathi, is now a big question, he said. There is absolutely no development in the State while North Andhra is being subjected to encroachments, the TDP politburo member said.

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Yanamala foresees 1983 scenario to be repeated in AP in 2024


TDP politburo member and former Finance minister, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Tuesday foresaw the 1983 scenario to be repeated in 2024 in the State.

Ramakrishnudu told media persons that when the State was passing through a deep crisis in 1983, the people reposed faith in the Telugu Desam Party and a similar situation is now prevailing in the State and thus the same situation will be repeated.

The criticism on the meeting of TDP supremo, Chandrababu Naidu, and Jana Sena chief, Pawan Kalyan, is a reflection of the insecurity in the YSRCP leadership and the cadre, Ramakrishnudu felt.

Pointing out that he has made a demand to Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, several times to come for an open debate on the financial condition of the State, he said that the total debt burden on the State beginning 1956, when AP was formed, to 2014, was a mere Rs 2.56 lakh crore.

But in the three-year rule of Jagan Mohan Reddy, the debt burden reached to a whooping Rs 8.50 lakh cr and it will reach to Rs 11 lakh cr by that time Jagan demits office, the former Finance minister said.

Observing that several regional parties survived only for a few years, he said that it is only the TDP that has been winning the confidence of the people for the past 40 years. “I am really fortunate enough to be in the first Cabinet of the late NTR and since then I have been holding several posts both in the party and in the government,” Ramakrishnudu remarked.

It is only the TDP, as a regional party, that played a key role in national politics, he said, adding that the party has been continuously winning the confidence of the people for the past 40 years. The welfare schemes launched by NTR are certainly a weapon for the TDP and whether the party is in power or not it always stands by the people, he observed.

Only after the TDP came to power, pucca houses were built for the poor and several parties, till today, are following the footsteps of NTR about the implementation of the welfare programmes, Yanamala maintained.

“It was NTR, who introduced the pension scheme for the poor and also the janatha clothes scheme. Women got share in property only after NTR came to power,” he said.

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Yanamala makes fun of Jagan’s remarks on corruption


Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council and TDP politburo member, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Thursday made fun of the statements made by Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, on corruption.

In an open letter to the public, Ramakrishnudu said that Jagan Mohan Reddy talking against corruption is like a vulture taking oath on non-vegetarian. “It is the biggest joke of the century that Jagan, who is on the top of the list of corrupt persons and who was in jail for 16 months whose name figured in 24 CBI and ED charge-sheets, asked his party leaders not to indulge in corruption,” Yanamala said.

Does this mean that the Chief Minister officially allowed his party leaders to mint money in the past 42 months, he asked and wanted Jagan to clarify on this. For the past three-and-half years, Jagan and his associates looted the State in sand, land, wine, mining and natural resources. “This kind of the Chief Minister is now alerting his party cadre not to indulge in corruption is totally ridiculous,” Ramakrishnudu added.

In his rule, Jagan turned Andhra Pradesh as the most corrupt-State and damaged the prestige of the State, he said and stated that now he started blackmailing his own Ministers, MPs and MLAs. The statement made by the Chief Minister a couple of days back that he will not tolerate corruption any longer clearly indicates that till now he officially allowed them to mint money, Yanamala observed.

The State occupied third position in the country for illegal mining and the sand, beach sand and bauxite mining in agency areas for the past three years is a classic example of this, he stated. The less said the better about the liquor mafia, he said and stated that Jagan and his associates made a whopping Rs 30,000 cr in liquor business and the Tadepalli Palace is filled with the money made out of land mafia.

In the name of making Visakhapatnam as capital, both Jagan and YSRCP MP, Vijayasai Reddy, illegally occupied lands worth over Rs 40,000 cr, Ramakrishnudu said. Even in the sale of properties belonging to the Visakha Steel, they minted huge money, he added.

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YSRCP indulging in large-scale irregularities in Council polls for Graduates constituencies: Yanamala


Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council and former Finance minister, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu, on Sunday said that the YSRCP is indulging in large-scale irregularities in the Council election for the Graduates constituencies.

Yanamala Ramakrishnudu said that the enarmous abnormalities that were found in the draft voters list is a classic example of this. The same person’s name was registered two or three times while those who studied only 10th standard or Intermediate too are enrolled as voters, thus indulging in massive irregularies, Ramakrishnudu said.

Targets have been set for Ministers, MLAs and volunteers and thus even ineligible persons are enrolled as voters, the Leader of Opposition in the Council said and advised the officials not to fall victim to the manipulations of the YSRCP by joining hands with them. The officials should perform their duties as per the laid down norms to uphold the democratic values, Ramakrishnudu said and felt that the ruling party is adopting feudalistic attitude even in the polls in which only intellectuals take part.

He pointed out that nearly 10,000 ineligible voters have been enrolled in Srikakulam, Vizainagaram and Visakhpatnam Graduates constituency area while large number of such ineligible voters were enrolled in Kadapa, Anathapur, Kurnool, Prakasam, Nellore and Chittoor segment area. The ruling party is totally violating the guidelines of the Election Commission only to ensure the victory of their party candidates, he stated.

Ramakrishnudu made a fervent appeal to the Election Commission to immediately delete all these over 50,000 bogus votes and also see to it that the volunteers do not take part in the poll process.

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