Two heroines are confirmed for Nikhil’s film to be directed by Vi Anand. Anand who had earlier directed Tiger starring Sundeep Kishan will be directing the film tipped to be a “thrilling love story.” Tapsee and Catherine opted out though they loved the script on account of the financial aspect. They were quoting a crazy amount. Hebah Patel and Avika Gor have been confirmed and the hunt for a third one is on. Nikhil said yes to Anand’s script immediately.Though Shankarabharanam is not a success at the BO, he continues to pick films which aren’t run-off-the-mill. The actor seems to have no qualms about the fact that the Tiger didn’t fare well at the box office. “I don’t really think success at the box office makes a difference. I went ahead with him because I loved the narration and I have confidence in it,” says Nikhil who is excited to be a part of the film. He will also star in Karthikeya 2, a sequel to the 2014 hit film Karthikeya in which he co-starred with Swathi and Chandoo Mondeti.
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