Tata Group chairman Natarajan Chandrasekaran got a warm reception from AP Government, as he paid a visit to Amaravati on Friday. Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Babu Naidu received Tata Group chairman by felicitating him with a shawl and presenting Lord Venkateshwara’s idol.

Later, AP CM Chandrababu Naidu explained in detail about the newly sworn-in Government’s plans for the growth of the state and initiatives being taken up to attract investors.

CM Chandrababu Naidu explained Natarajan Chandrasekaran about ‘Swarnandra Pradesh – Vision 2047’. This vision is aimed at making AP number one state in all spheres by 2047. It will include action plan for achieving development in all sectors like agriculture, education, health, industrial growth, job creation, infrastructure development and others.

AP Government is also forming a Task Force to achieve its vision of becoming the top performering states in India, by roping in experts from various fields. While AP CM Chandrababu Naidu will be the chairman of Task Force, Tata Group chairman N Chandrasekaran will act as co-chairman.

Besides AP CM Chandrababu Naidu, IT and Education Minister Nara Lokesh also interacted with Natarajan Chandrasekaran and explained about the efforts being taken up by AP Government to create about 20 lakh jobs in the next five years.

What’s heartening was, young Minister Nara Lokesh accompanied Tata Group chairman Natarajan Chandrasekaran till Gannavaram Airport and personally sent off.


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