TDP leader Buddha Venkanna has filed a police complaint against YSRCP MP Vijayasai Reddy in Vijayawada. The complaint was submitted to City Police Commissioner Rajasekhar Babu.
The complaint concerns Vijayasai Reddy’s recent comments about Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. Buddha Venkanna demanded immediate legal action and registration of a case against the YSRCP MP.
“Vijayasai Reddy is playing mind games,” stated Buddha Venkanna. Buddha Venkanna also brought up past allegations. He mentioned how Vijayasai Reddy had previously spread false rumours about a pink diamond in Chandrababu’s house.
TDP Politburo member Varla Ramaiah has also responded to the situation. He demanded that DGP Dwaraka Tirumala Rao and the Human Rights Commission take serious note of Vijayasai’s comments.
“There appears to be a conspiracy threatening CM Chandrababu’s life in Vijayasai’s comments,” Varla Ramaiah claimed on social media. He requested authorities to monitor the movements of Vijayasai and his team.