TDP stages a comeback with great victory


The opposition TDP had made a great comeback in Andhra Pradesh general election to the state Assembly. The party is leading in more than 130 Assembly seats. The final tally may touch 140 seats this time for the TDP.

TDP’s alliance factor worked for the party’s victory this time. More than that, TDP’s Super Six has helped the party wrest power from the YSR Congress. The TDP was able to make the Super Six promises to the people. People have also believed the TDP this time.

The campaign on the Land Titling Act also helped the TDP win power. The party was able to take the Land Titling Act close to the people and make them believe that the Act would take away their lands.

The alliance worked well this time too like in 2014. The vote transfer was successful as the TDP leaders were firm on wrestling power in the state. There was good coordination among the alliance partners. The alliance partners could go together to the people and the unity displayed by them helped the party wrest the power.

The TDP’s promise of Rs 4,000 pension from April 2024 also helped the party get some votes. The pensioners believed it and they were overwhelmed by the promise. The ruling YSR Congress could not make any such promise to the pensioners.

Amaravati is also one of the reasons for the TDP’s victory. The farmers of Amaravati have been on strike for the past five years. They have cursed Jagan Mohan Reddy for his proposal on three capitals diluting Amaravati as the only capital. Amaravati would now breathe a new lease of life with Chandrababu Naidu becoming the chief minister. The architect of Amaravati would be on the hot seat for the next five years, making it the capital of the state.

The farmers of Amaravati will celebrate this victory more than the TDP. They have worked hard for the victory of the TDP in the elections. They have been campaigning against Jagan Mohan Reddy for the past five years and their hard work paid dividends.

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